
I am completely and utterly easy to distract in open world game. I recently spent hours in Assassins Creed 4 sailing around looking looking for tiny islands, blowing up ships, and listening to my crew sing sea shanties (Drunken Sailor is my favorite, even though it almost certainly didn't exist in 1715) while I sipped

So is there a master notebook (or 12) filled with raw Jeopardy! Recap notes?

So the question becomes HBO; will I have standalone HBO Go, or am I going to have to resort to more unsavory methods to watch GoT?

He isn't really that interesting, and humanizing him via Cortana might be too little, too late, unless they can handle it with more subtlety than the magicy science bullshit savior ending of Halo 4. I mean I'm interested to see if Chief actually showing emotion can be compelling, but I don't have much faith in 343.

Halo Reach and ODST's doom and gloom stories were much better than the standard Deus ex Chief fare. I liked feeling outgunned against the covenant, especially after they made them jokes in Halo 3 (the grunts screaming, in English, and running away started getting old). They also managed to make them feel that way

She also played Matilda and the daughter in Mrs. Doubtfire, and she wrote this article. She's probably one of the better aged child stars.

Do you want me to hold you?

Not to mention he warned us about ManBearPig! Which is half man, half bear, and half pig!

It's not even about sending that message to other rapists either, but to the victims. No wonder no one ever came forward in any of Cosby's cases right after they happened, because the message being sent for far too long is "Hey that sucks you got assaulted, but your attacker was rich and powerful sooooooooo, you're

I had gone an apparent three seasons of Brickleberry without knowing that this was a thing, and you just ruined that for me AVClub, thanks. I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing about this and been an infinitely happier, more fulfilled person, but instead you decided to report on news of cancellation

That's even more brutal, I'm morbidly fascinated. In your opinion was it a good representation of the death of Jesus, or was it rather pedestrian? Or were you too busy staring aghast in horror between the crucifix and the young lady.

Don't forget about that chick who had to get off with a life size picture of the crucifixion in her room!

She looked so scared, and I feel bad for her because she clearly wanted to be there so badly, and then her nerves got the better of her.

I'm finally starting to like Elliot, the story about being in the Nice region of France was a good one (made even better by Alex's reply) and the stupid grin when a question serendipitously mentioned the Nice region was priceless.

It was pretty bad, especially after Vaughn won an average of 20,000 in his 5 games.

I was like "bullshit there are only 3 Superhero Movies in 2015", but you are actually right. I guess with Marvel launching Phase 3, Fox retconning and rebooting X-Men, Sony floundering with Spidey and trying to sink Fantastic Four and then DC trying to launch their cinematic universe (and getting the hell out of

This is also coming to the Xbox One with a 1 month free trial for Gold Members. I might have to give it a shot to see what the back catalog (especially for Cartoon Network and Adult Swim) looks like.

I'm hoping 2015 is a better year for games than 2014, because a bunch of high profile games ended up being mediocre or disappointing or broken in some way. Destiny, Assassins Creed, Watch Dogs, The Crew (fucking Ubisoft), Driveclub, The Master Chief Collection, Thief, The Evil Within, The Sims 4…I could probably go

They're pretty attractive, but seeing thirty women with the "perfect teeth fake smile" is creepy as hell.

I want more about Persona 5, Atlus needs to pony up some information about the waifus (and the other parts of the game, but mostly the waifus).