
I'm looking forward to looking forward to things. Like I'm looking forward to looking forward to Fallout 4, Black Panther, and I'm looking forward to looking forward to looking forward to being disappointed when GRRM dies and The Winds of Winter never releases.

They can't possibly do worse than Lindley and the Cardinals. This season was looking so bright at first, too.

Yes it is, especially when you, you know, stomp on someone.

Is this a continuation of Ginko's story or something else entirely? I watched the original series a couple years back and found it to be serene and reflective and a little sad sometimes. I really enjoyed it. Also, are they planning on dubbing it? Because according to most anime fans I am just intent on ruining

I like that idea, and I also thought that that article (4 Bizarre Realities of Life as a Phone Psychic on Cracked.com, for those interested) was actually kind of heartwarming, in a strange way. You would need some training in basic psychology to be required for your idea but I would actually sign on to that job and

You either have to be funny, or start your own comment column, like Idiotking's Futurama reviews or Jay's Jeopardy! Recaps. A key thing is to also be early, after a while Disqus will start burying comments, no matter how good.

I've never seen Orange is the New Black, and I didn't know anything about it's opening, but women who were incarcerated was such a dead giveaway you would have to have literally never heard a single thing about the show to not get that final.

Shhhhhh, don't say that, I'm two hours into my new year, that's not what I want to think about.

I was going to suggest that Savage Love was missing because it was inside you all along, (just like that butt plug) but then I saw that you are right and the column is actually missing. Which is unfortunate because I know you were hoping he would respond to your question (which is how to remove a lost butt plug).

I'm a Jeopardy Novice but I feel like the Jeopardy clue writers are trying to strike a balance on Final Jeopardy here, because wasn't everyone missing them a couple weeks ago? Do the FJ's do that? Swing from too easy to too hard, maybe sometimes stopping in the middle? It seems like it would be hell trying to find a

What kind of sad, lonely person would be home all night watching TV on New Year's Eve! Ha!

Now they just need to master serialized story based podcasts, professional wrestling, internet listicles, and interpretive dance, and then they get to rule the entertainment spectrum with an iron fist.

Yeah the audience reception to Titanfall is a little underwhelming. Partially because of the central idea and the direction Respawn took, and partially, I think, because of it being just a multiplayer shooter, which some gamers just aren't used to apparently. I wont say it's before its time, but it certainly seems to

There's a Forbes article about how they should sell to Netflix, and holy shit I would love to see that. Bryan and Mike without a heaping helping of arbitrary bullshit piled on them would be amazing to watch. Any Avatar thing would do, but I would love to see more Korra produced by netflix, that explores Korra and

I'd say The Legend of Korra was worth the wait. I was anticipating Season 3 in a desultory sort of way, wondering if they could come back from the frazzled mess that was Season 2, and then Bryan and Mike delivered in 2014 with not one, but two excellent seasons, despite Nickelodeon being a bunch of douchebags.

When I first saw one of his youtube clips, and it was ten minutes long and on one subject, I was like, "oh give me a break, there is no way this is going to be funny, or it's going to go off on a tangent because of the humor". I was wrong, he is consistently on-point and hilarious while still managing to keep a topic

Titanfall is a fantastic, fantastic game, probably one of my favorite competitive multiplayer games in years. Although that's all it is. It's a very sparse shooter, and while I do find myself going back to it, it is not for very long. I see untapped potential there though, especially if they start to delight in

Anyone else think it's funny that the man studying to become a Rabbi was the only one to get the Christmas themed FJ right? Or is it just me? I giggled a little bit at the irony.

D4 is going to be free as part of Games with Gold in January, which will hopefully increase exposure. I had planned on buying it if they had it on sale in the next two weeks, but now I don't have to.

I just wish we actually got time with the newly minted couple. It makes me sad that we get this fantastic, groundbreaking moment and we'll probably never get to see any narrative payoff for it. Still a great series, and I still love the ending to death, but it also sort of left me hollow.