
Wait, is it weird I actually like Cameron Esposito's column thingy? I don't know, maybe it's because I'm a sucker for life stories, and I like reading about different lifestyles (I am emphatically not a lesbian who does stand up) but they always come off interesting and engaging to me. Kind of like long form Idiotking

$30 if you wanted a disc, and $20 if you downloaded it. which actually makes sense. Charge those disc people more.

This could be hot garbage, but goddamn it, it's also a Telltale game, so I'll end up buying the first episode to check it out, and probably end up buying the season pass, because fuck it, I'm already invested.

"Amazing that MGSV Ground Zeroes was on sale for 33% off the same day that nine months after it released." Fixed that for you.

I haven't really played a lot of 2014 games, and the music didn't really stand out to me in the ones I did. It was definitely nice to hear Marty O'Donnell's work in The Master Chief Collection, but that doesn't really count. The same goes for hearing Persona 3 and 4's music in P4 Arena Ultimax. Destiny's music was

Didn't Brian and Michael say they were done with The Avatar universe though? Of course I will always be open to more Avatar stuff, Season 3 was just so good, and the time jump in Season 4 (which I've only managed to catch the first four episodes of) is a pretty ballsy move for a kid's show.

I would say that Apple fans are going to hack Universal to try and make sure this doesn't get released, but Apple fans don't know anything about technology. Zing!

"6 Insane (But Convincing) Theories on Children's Pop Culture" was the name of that article.

I think my patented O'Neal Snark-O-Meter just broke.

We do, we deserve so much better, but let's flag and be done with him shall we? Although it might be a while before someone comes along to clean his mess up. It is Friday night after all.

I mean you could have at least photoshopped a funny cookie monster picture, it would have tied all of these trolling accounts together and added a sense of cohesiveness, had you kept using it. I mean put a little thought into it, for crying out loud. You are already wasting the time. If it's worth doing, it's worth

You again?


The Master Chief Collection is fucking daunting, I mean I put it in to try and connect to a multiplayer game and every time I see those 4 campaigns, waiting for me to start them. So far I've been through 5 or 6 missions in Halo 2, and boy do those cutscenes look pretty.

This weekend will most likely be dedicated to a number of games, I have Titanfall, and South Park: The Stick of Truth waiting for me, as well as Persona 4 Arena Ultimax.

Did the book spoil how long the finale is going to overrun though?

It definitely hits the mark, especially if you both like Aigis, and completed her social link in FES.

No, but goddamn it, it's worth the risk.

After finishing Persona 3, I don't know what to do with myself, except I do, because there is all of The Answer still left, and with no experience boost for social links, and no compendium, and the difficult being notched up, it should be a hell of a time. I really liked the ending to The Journey, and felt it was both

So I'm kind of hoping that Dr. Strange and Loki share screen time together, because if that happens certain parts of tumblr will explode, hopefully taking the whole thing down.