
I don't know how you do it, Ra7xF, reading all of those comments and scouring for material, I would probably go crazy. You truly are a god among teenybopper metal fans.

So are you saying that G4's rise and fall was about ethics in game journali-

With a Half Life 3 Demo?

I could see Star Wars working really well thematically, with the whole light and darkness schtick, and some comedy. Marvel I think would feel shoehorned in, because what problem can a kid solve that a Hulk can't? So maybe keep Marvel characters to summons.

YOUR NAME IS DAVE?! I thought we were all using our real names, and the AV Club commentariat just has a lot of super creative and terrible parents.

I kind of agree, but at the same time, if they milked what happened in Persona 4 Arena, it could be fascinating. I mean it would never happen, but a Persona game in which you work for a quasi military installation fighting threats of shadows all over the world would pretty much be the best thing ever.

First game I'm buying when I pick up a New 3DS, now if only I knew when I could get a new 3DS…

All I'm going to say about Ferguson is that the world is a dumpster fire, and we should probably just let it burn.

CNN's disabled comments most of the time recently, and when they don't it is like a stormfront invasion, even on unrelated articles.

AV Club writers gotta eat get overpriced stuff most people will never use, for free.

Tom Hanks! I mean that guy is endearing as fuck.

More Halo! I'm not sure how well the updates fixed matchmaking, but it seems like a good time to find out. Other than that I'll probably continue to become a terror of the high seas in AC: Black Flag, and might pop into AC Unity, to see just how much Assassin's Creed I can take.

I'm glad Persona 5 is cross platform still, that way I don't have to get a PS4 until Persona 6, or (more realistically) Persona 5: Super Happy Fun Time, The Expanded Saga Quest Edition, Now With More Social Links! comes out.

I want Persona Q so bad, but I'm waiting until the New 3DS comes stateside.

I agree with this, it's kind of why I like Fallout: New Vegas so much. You start as a jackass courier, but because you're the jackass courier with the real platinum chip and a penchant for revenge you become the most powerful person in the wastes.

You also don't want to confuse any those shows with Patriots Dance Party, Patriots: After Dark, Roland Emmerich's 2000 Film, The Patriot, or Tom Brady's Friendship Corner.

You would think they would be content with making a game exclusively on last gen right before this gen, literally being one of the best selling games of all time, and then turning around and adding a few little touches to make the game seem different enough to warrant a $60 purchase again and re-releasing, but no,

I'm still wondering if they'll have the balls to show certain scenes for the end of Mockingjay (the third Hunger Games book) in theaters. Some of that shit gets wack, yo.

The AV Club:

I don't know where you are going with this gimmick account, but there is definitely potential here, depending on how you want to play it, I'm keeping my eye on you, Life Hacks.