
I'm rooting for the Raiders! They only have to lose the rest of the games this season, and then 2 or 3 games next season to beat the Bucs 0-26 record losing streak (which was coincidentally the Bucs first seasons). With Palmer out for the Cards, this is actually something I can believe in.

Well that convinced me, I don't have work tomorrow, so it's time to pound out the last of December, so I won't have to dread doing it later.

I'm in December, I'm enjoying the story, even though the atmosphere is kind of dragging me down. but I just can't get on it and lock down those last couple of days, especially because I am going to have to do some major grinding. The fact that for most of the month you can't work on (most) social links is kind of a

I'll throw on some of my own music when playing FPS games online, and when I go back to classic games (Old Final Fantasy, Pokemon, other games with no voice acting) I will change the music once I grow tired of the game's music. However when a game is story based, or I just really like the music, I cut off other

You know, I've always enjoyed Call of Duty for the simple fact that you know what you are getting when you pick up a Call of Duty game, and while you can fault them for originality, you cannot fault Activision on delivery. I respect that they commit to not shipping stupidly broken games, unlike EA for Battlefield 4,

Mobility is the new old thing in multiplayer. Even Halo 5 is going to have jetpack thingies.

I wonder if he's going to be drug testing his applicants?

Same here, I'll get to fighting that damn butterfly thing and then I'll just quit playing, I'm probably done with it now though, I've accepted that it is just not a game I'm into.

How long have they been broadcasting live at the final table? Because my dad and I would have been all over that shit back in 2004.

It's kind of silly that by the end of the year the best exclusive on either console is (arguably) going to be a remake. The Master Chief Collection, and then The Last of Us Remastered. The Wii U or the 3DS have that beat handily, at least in terms of numbers.

I finally went out and purchased an Xbox One today, so I have Assassins Creed 4 and Destiny downloading, along with Assassins Creed Unity (which is downloading but doesn't release until Tuesday), because I bought the Assassins Creed bundly thing. The thing is, the only AC game I've played was AC2, and I wasn't even a

I'm hoping they release a cool bundle with Majora's Mask and the new 3DS to try and move some units, because spring is when a lot of people are expecting the New 3DS to be available in the states. Hell throw the 3DS version of Ocarina of Time in, and people might just fall over themselves for some classic Zelda

Majora's Mask is getting a re-release on the 3DS in the spring. I've never played Majora's mask, but now I have another reason to buy a 3DS!

This is story idea that has been around forever, although I couldn't tell you where it started.

So did anyone else see the full Age of Ultron Trailer (with the party scene at the beginning) that premiered for Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D? I thought it added much needed levity to the trailer, and I'm glad that they aren't forgoing humor. Also Cap nudging Thor's Hammer was a nice touch, especially the look on Thor's


So I actually read the dudes page, and he comes across as a elitist dickbag, so I can't take this whole thing seriously.

I almost agree with you, but at the same time Persona 4 does one little thing that I feel undermines your whole point, it treats you, throughout most of the game, as an outsider, as the transfer student, as the kid stuck in this small town purgatory while crazy things just so happen to be occurring. There is a time

Fuuka, always Fuuka. No one? Fuck you guys.