
I know the feeling, I'm about 3/4ths of the way through it, and here comes the article. Although now I wish I was finished so I could discuss stuff.

I usually default to my Xbox 360 over my PS3, but fighting games get PS3 love since the arrangement and feel of the D-Pad is a lot better. I'll buy smaller downloadable and indie games on either (or my laptop, if I think it wont shit itself), but my main factor is that most of my friends are on Xbox, and I heavily


Hearthstone is another one of those games I have just sitting, waiting for me (on my iPad in his case). I just can't bring myself to plunge into it though, not necessarily because I don't like card games, but because I am not a fan of any multiplayer that pits people one on one, and I never have been. Sports games,

The Legend of Korra has a game coming out, it's going to be downloadable third person beat-em-up developed by Platinum, but it is only following the story of the first two seasons. I have no idea how it will turn out.

I'm too fapped out to even question the mechanics of your sexual anatomy, Dik.

I liked the visual novel thing, but the fucking repetitive story in the first one nearly killed me. Watching 12 different characters go through the same basic story arc was tedious as balls.

I fucking love that HBO posts (or lets him post) his takedowns to youtube, so I don't have HBO, but I do have my John Oliver fix.

I haven't even been able to get a handle on that shit. I was going through Season 2, and then I found a job and didn't have time to watch TV and also masturbate so I split from the show, and now that I have more time, I come to find out we are in Season 4, and shit got real with Korra. Also my cable dropped Viacom, so

You know, I really liked Dragon Age Origins, but goddammit, I just could not finish the game. I played through the game up to the last mission, and then I just stopped. Never returned to it. No reason either, I was a teenager, I bought the game day one, so I had the time and the will. I was on the last mission. I had

I can't wait to get my hands on Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, although it probably won't be for a while. (I need to make sure I download the free Adachi and Marie DLC while it's still free.) Persona 4 Arena had a fascinating, "where are they now" kind of thing for the Persona 3 characters, and watching interactions was

I fucking hate passing the controller, and so did my friends. We would all play GTA San Andreas this way, and inevitably after I died super quick trying to fly a stuntplane, my buddies would go do the most boring shit ever. I literally watched my friend work out in the game for ten fucking minutes before he decided to

The Iron Giant, that movie fucking got to me. I was watching it in my room when I was ten, and my mom comes in to see my bawling my eyes out, needless to say, I was not ready for dinner.

At least now we can promptly go back to not hearing Courtney's voice, and since I'm assuming they keep the Masterchef contestants chained to the MasterChef Cruise Liner Kitchen, we shouldn't have to see her either. Unless you decide to go on a MasterChef cruise, but why the hell would you do that?

I try not to play objectively terrible games, but there are some real stinkers on my Xbox profile. Shadowrun (the first person shooter), Final Fantasy 13 and 13-2, Defiance (the MMO shooty-alien-game that has what I'm assuming is a shooty-alien tie-in Syfy show), Resonance of Fate (a forgotten Tri-Ace RPG), and…sigh…a

And an additional 3 hours of Hope and Vanille cutscenes!

Probably not, but I do actually like Phil Spencer as the head of the Xbox division. He was quick to remove the Kinect from the box, move streaming out from behind the paywall, and try and fix some obvious problems with the Xbox One. If they let him be in charge, they might actually stop sucking horribly. Which is

Come for the sexy host, stay for the creepy puppet/animitronic lemur…and the capybara, what a fuckin weird creature.

I sort of remember reading Gathering Blue…

I got this one Dik.