
I agree about the freaking out thing. It probably happens with girls and their periods too. Having shit you aren't used to coming out of a hole that seems purpose built is a little weird.

Fuck yeah! You tell those whiny cuntrags what's what! As a lurker who lurks a whole bunch (and rarely posts, mostly because I am not clever) ain't nobody gonna come up in here and ruin my thorough enjoyment of one of the best comment sections on the internet.

I'm going to let you in on a secret. Dikachu is not a person. He is a complex program created in the seventies to try and weaponize snark. It worked.

Was that really a line in the film? That Michelangelo line?

The Wasabi one…I might buy. Really I'm just sad my Durian-Garlic-Ginger-Habanero-Bacon chip didn't make it.

Occasionally 3 weeks, but that is still unconfirmed. And then they disappear forever.

Jesus fuck Idiotking, you're a cougar, or whatever the gay male equivalent is…is there a term for that? Hmmmmmmm.

I want that bitch Courtney out of my life. I have not hated a MasterChef contestant so much since…since… okay, just last season , it was Krissi, it was always Krissi. Actually scratch that, it was MC junior, I could not stand Alexander, seriously it was so telecast that he was going to win, and I hated his stupid smug

Do you have a blog? I want links! That was the best thing I've read on the internet all day.

So am I the only one who wants the Weiner Story next? I should probably clarify the Anthony Weiner story, not any other potential wiener stories. Also that was a fucking great story, and I probably wouldn't have believed it but for the car picture and the fact that why the fuck would a random dude on the internet lie?

We aren't even close to that. It would be the epilogue of ASOS where we see a certain lady get cold justice.

I hope that the epilogue for the episode is the same as the book, but I do wonder about how much ground they have to cover. I mean holy crap, there has to be at least 5 big plot points that are due by now, just to set up the next season.

It's a shame DC can't use Captain Marvel as the title instead of Shazam, because that would have been fucking hilarious.

Well the PS4, has, ugh Killzone? And Infamous? Fuck it, get the WiiU. There ain't anything good coming out for the other consoles anytime soon. Use the WiiU to hold you over until there are 5 or 6 must-have games on the PS4.

Gwendoline Christie (Brienne) got a pretty good deal out of it, a part in Mockingjay (Hunger Games 3), and a part in the new Star Wars movie.

I can't feel sorry for him, if you are getting paid to be on a show, do a little research.

Game of Thrones is definitely at the top of my list, but I don't say it out loud because I'm kind of scared that this might happen.

Considering this is about characters who were killed off because an actor left the show, Game of Thrones wouldn't be on here. The deaths in Game of Thrones are all strictly part of the story. Although they have replaced Gregor Clegane a couple of times.

Naturally The Reigns of Castamere is the highest rated game of thrones episode, so far. I think an episode next season will match it though. Just a gut feeling.

I'm going to have to assume this is mainly directed at Game of Thrones.