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    I actually liked Time's Arrow, but then I really enjoyed the Mark Twain character and his quips. Data and his head were the weaker parts for me.

    definitely read the books, but they have a lot of differences and are much more high fantasy than dystopian.

    I'm trying to think of who else it could be, who she would recognize with that shock that we have been introduced.

    You're right, we have the same initials, I hadn't even thought of that. The names aren't even that dissimilar, although I won't share mine openly here.

    what time travel are you referring to? its just set in the future, but no one is time traveling

    Overall, an okay finale, not great, but better than the average episode of this season.

    especailly from the opening of the finally I think they are (careful reading this, mild spoiler) doubling down on what the book did…which I don't have an issue with on a storytelling level..don't like it personally, but is okay storytelling

    I'm very open to suspending disbelief, its a question of how far, how unrealistic. Buildings, tunnels, metal, hell I'll even go along with the street signs still having some paint on them since they are using that as a mechanic for the names with whats been worn away. Balloons and streamers, other things that degrade

    I'm not talking about fact, I'm talking about perception. I'm not saying Tolkien borrowed from Brooks. I'm talking about what it felt like reading it at 10 after already reading Shannara. Of course I know that Brooks came later and its Brooks who copied from LOTR.

    Pyramids of egypt are not balloons and streamers and gunpowder. some buildings, some rubble, concrete and steel, fine yes that could be there. Clothing, paper, yearbooks, etc etc…

    I mentioned her specifically, because I don't mind that change. I feel like she is still in the spirit of her character, and I feel like more Eretria has been good for the story.

    I think for tv they consider traveling to be too boring and wastes precious time in an hour long format, but I agree, I understand the show's concern, but at least reference or indicate that it's taken them days to travel somewhere. You don't have to show the travel, just say it happened.

    I don't want it cancelled because I hope with so many of us saying "the changes and added plots are the problem, stick to the main story" they will change that for Wishsong. I've been reading every review site and article I can find, and there is a very common theme. People don't the little style changes, the

    Personally, these were the books I learned how to read on, the books that taught me the fantasy genre. To me, reading LOTR later was like it was drawing from Brooks, not the other way around, so they are very dear to me. Yes reading them again as an adult after reading lots of other fantasy, I had a different

    Here is Brooks' comment on the changes: