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    Yeah, not exactly true. Believe it or not there are still residual artifacts if you go B&W except on professional monitors.

    Don't forget the execrable Batman v Superman, and Man of Steel as well!

    Ha — "Major Spoilers"! (cue Robin and Ted)
    I also think we have to view How I Met Your Mother in an additional, perhaps unfair light, because this rare show did NOT arrive on the air in a level playing field. I'm talking about CBS, who 9 years ago was all "Murder She Wrote" and other "home for aging

    Here's another reason fewer people are watching Cougar Town. I "cut the cord" last year Cougar Town was one of the casualties. But I just couldn't take being charged for 300 channels I didn't care about, 200 of them at any one time being paid advertisements for "miracle mops," etc. It just felt wrong to pay through

    Jackie is becoming my favorite character. The actress was so wasted in her brief time on SNL, where I mistook bad writing for unfunny. But she is consistently quirky but still relatable, insane but touching, fun but — stay away! Just saw her in Lake Bell's amazingly fun and funny movie, "In A World," where she had

    I don't think Hand is the Clairvoyant either. Too obvious. She could be another pawn, but not much else. I mean, she already HAS the ability to cast surveillance over all. Anyone else out there waiting to find out that the Clairvoyant is a TV version of M.O.D.O.K.? Would make perfect sense that it's a Skynet-like

    I thought she said "wet nurse." Also, love that she almost showed her NAMED breasts for $300k!! Forgot the names, but they were hilarious.

    great with that "Body Snatchers" (the best version) observation! Also, I'm sure that the self-knowledge that the Terminus people are feeding on people is part of their dehumanized and resigned, almost unconscious behavior. Either that, or it's the way of any cult to reassure and be calm while more sinister things

    I disagree about the usefulness of the flashbacks to the "kinder
    gentler" days at the prison. You know, when it was safer to be in
    prison than out. Herschel had a lot of good points, but of course he
    was doomed. But let's be fair to Rick — he has to be both dad and mom
    to a kid who may already have racked up enough

    I'd suspected last episode when that meat was sizzling on the grill that it was not the prime cuts you'd usually get at the front case at the butcher's. I think you may have missed the ENORMOUS humor/irony of this episode. Terminus is filled with HIPSTERS!!

    Chris Evans is NOT the weak link! Cap is the most difficult character to play — the man out of time who sticks to his moral code no matter the temptations and releases the decades have provided. Evans continually knocks this out of the park. Held his own with Downey in "Avengers" — which is one of the things that

    So many references that the episode didn't feel cohesive, unless the dystopia pastiche was the point. I DID notice some costumes a la "Logan's Run" (a movie about mandatory death after reaching, what, 30 years of age?), and now and then I had the feeling that the whole episode was railing against not only senseless

    Guys….NOBODY thought there was some Breaking Bad parody here?

    Yeah….I don't agree with most of what you said. The quiet episodes are sometimes the best, and this is an example of Walking Dead at its best. If you don't think Darryl being an ugly drunk is an epiphany for the audience — who has come to deify him as a perfect depiction of the simple, noble (redneck) man with the