
You rarely find anything GRRM didn't think through, so there are many people believing that the house with the red door is not in Braavos. Doesn't mean Dany and Viserys are not legit, just means that somebody was plotting around already, and Viserys was probably part of it.

I think you mix her up with Jenny of Oldstones

But Braavos has no Lemon Trees, so her whole childhood could be a lie.

Maybe Jamie will keep Bronn around (instead of Illyn Payne) so he is not all alone

Or they keep Beric to have more known characters in the Brotherhood

Isn't that more or less what Dany tried to establish in her conquered cities? Maybe she'll do the same in Westeros once she realizes she sucks at her job

So, how many minutes, Hodor?

Plenty theories on Rheagar being convinced that he actually did something good and necessary

But by now everyone except Cersei expects it too be Jamie, so can't George just twist the twist?
And there is still the "Hand Tywin's tunnel to the brothel" story in the air, though I cannot see any real basterd canidate for him. Davos is too old, Renly is a stag, do we have anyone left from KL?

I was impressed with the fighting skills of Jon and Thorne, best in the cast so far from what I think. That's probably what you do in your spare time when Iceland gives you just 6 hours a day to shoot.

They could use Allister for the Jon kiloff. After making him much more symphatic this episode, he could probably take the Bowen Marsh position after Jon becomes LC.

I guess he refers to the spec ops marriage assignment mission his nephew should be on by now