
I use "lousy," but I generally use it in a different way, as in "This place is lousy with morons."

Yeah, but "90 minutes to live" is a bullshit prognosis to begin with.

The reviews I've seen make it seen like this film wishes it were Falling Down.

I was mystified that Alicia would want to go back to LG, whatever her initial reasons for leaving had been. Does she really want to be working side by side with vipers like David Lee and Howard Lineman again? Why would she want to give up Florrick/Agos, which was something she had built herself (together with Carey

Maybe the show can end with Alicia, in office as States' Attorney, facing some kind of scandal and forced to do one of those press conferences, with Peter standing by her side as…the Good Husband (and do I smell spin-off?).

Me too! I like the bedsheets…it kind of reminds me of a similarly-composed scene from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

I like your idea about rebooting the original, which is an idea I've heard suggested here before (by you or someone else? I'm not sure). I mean, if Fox can bring back 24, why couldn't NBC bring back Law&Order, especially since L&O is a show that is uniquely able to survive cast changes. It's basically a guaranteed hit

You're right that a lot of AV Clubbers don't like it, but count me as another big fan of the original Law&Order. Some seasons were better than others, but I think it kept a pretty solid level of quality throughout its run. In fact, its last couple seasons were among the best—I loved the tension between Linus Roach's

I was hoping Peter would suggest Matan to run for States Attorney! Matan tried to look out for Peter back in season two…Peter should return the favor.

Other than The Good Wife, the best fifth seasons I know of are Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and Angel, whose fifth season was actually its best.

It wasn't "among the best seasons this show has had," it was the best season! The previous champion was season 2, but to me at least, season 5 surpassed season 2 handily. It's so rare for a show to have such a high level of quality this far into its run, but it's so very refreshing.

What this show needs to do more than anything is speed things up. The plots move sooo slowly! Compare the progress of plots like Adalind getting her powers back, or Juliette regaining her memory, with the progress of the various plots on Sleepy Hollow. Grimm could learn a thing or two from that other supernaturally

"…but if you are sure you have to, don't fuck around: chop off their head."

Yeah, Truble is clearly a better Grimm than Nick. She's pretty damn awesome actually. Best thing to happen to this show in awhile.

Yeah, the shot of Nick's cell phone, sitting on a desk or something while Nick's in the next room as someone calls with emergency, life-or-death information, is something we see far too much on this show.

Ah, I should've read more before posting, because I just posted the exact same thing. I also flipped to that Frontline and got chills when I saw how close to reality PoI actually is.

Your comments about being close to real life are spot-on. As I was watching this episode, I flipped during the commercials to this week's episode of Frontline on PBS that was all about the NSA/Edward Snowden issue (it was a two hour episode, but the second hour conflicted with PoI. By the way, why doesn't AV Club

Agreed. The Good Wife is a great show, and its current season has been its best so far, but I think Person of Interest edges it out.

Whenever I heard the word "inevitable," I think of that quote.

I often don't know the episode titles…which is the one where Shaw and Root first team up? That was one of my favorites of the season. Also, the one where Root is captured by Control…basically, any Root-centric ep is going to be in my list of favorite episodes.