
It was a great review, but I have one nitpick: The Good Wife is not better than Person of Interest. They're both great shows—in fact, TGW is probably my second favorite drama after PoI—and they've both had amazing seasons, but I think PoI is the slightly better of the two.

I watched it OnDemand on Monday!

Yeah, Fuller is pretty well known among AV Clubbers, what with credits like Pushing Daisies and Dead Like Me. AV Club has done so many articles about Hannibal, including an episode-by-episode breakdown of the first season with Fuller last year, that I guess they just assumed everyone knew who he was.

Nice fuckin' record! *HONK*HONK*

Having seen the preview for next week's episode (possible SPOILERS then, I guess), I think the reason they're showing Adam and Kristina being all happy together at the spa is to set them up for some misery when her cancer returns.

They did that in the very early '90s. I watched it at the time. It was…ok, but then, I was never a fan of the original.

YES!! I have always, always LOVED that line.

I thought the song went "Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort?" I know he later says "don't give a fuck if I…" (I forget what comes next)….it seems like they bleeped the wrong bits, is my point. Odd.

I just remembered a funny, and very frustrating, experience with censored entertainment…

I didn't go to my own school's prom, but I did go to my girlfriend's prom (I was a junior when she was a senior). Hers was excellent. A nice dinner, then a few hours to go off and do whatever (during which time I lost my virginity to her), then all the prom-goers got on a big boat that went up and down the Hudson

You wouldn't think that it would be comforting, but to Christians it is. When something terrible happens, like when a child dies, they say "it's all part of God's plan!" I don't see how the idea that God has a plan that involves the suffering of the innocent would be any comfort, but I guess that's why I never bought

Robocop 2 was terrible (or were you being sarcastic?).

It's one of those "sponsored" articles.

Classic Poe.

First few times I heard this song, I hated it. Completely loathed (although my neighbor at the time was repeatedly blasting it through the walls, so that may have colored my opinion). One day, two or three years after first hearing and hating it, I happened to catch "Seven Nation Army" on the radio. For a moment, I

I don't know if I'd go that far, but they still sound good to my ears.

Yeah, Disqus is giving me lots of problems. I'm actually Eddie_The_Misanthrope, but it keeps defaulting to just Eddie, my Disqus screenname on some other site. I have to logout and log in again, but today, AV Club won't let me (Argh!).

Yeah, it was Caroline for me. Even before she was a vampire, I loved her character.

What were his issues? I was unaware of this.

Wow, I completely disagree.