
I just found him petulant, annoying, and not convincing as a dictator. He didn't have the charisma necessary for a leader of men, which was a problem when they had him in scenes with very charismatic actors.

Ahh yes, I actually like McCallum's character too (mostly because I like the actor).

Yeah, when I saw that comparison to "Rascals," I thought it was a knock. "One Little Ship" is a lot better than "Rascals," which I'm not crazy about (don't hate it, but it's nowhere near my top 10).

His music aside (which I like, actually), Gerard Way is a big comic book nerd.

Yeah, Fringe may have been a bit derivative of X-Files in the beginning, but it was never a chore to watch. Agents of SHIELD is becoming a chore. If not for the Whedon name, I wouldn't be tuning in.

Didn't we eventually learn his name also?

I heard that Texas is the reason that the president's dead…

You know what I don't get about those Sonic fast foot places? They advertise all the time in NYC, but they're not in NYC, or anywhere near it, as far as I can tell. WTF?

I suppose someone could set up a fake Facebook account in that instance, but it seems like a lot of trouble.

The thing is, I actually like GG's music. His early stuff, like the song that this article is about, is quite catchy (though I think his best, and most famous, early tune is "You Hate Me & I Hate You," followed by "Fuck Up"), and his later stuff is scuzzy and lo-fi, but still excellent, hard-edged punk rock.

I like GG Allin, but I stop short of calling myself a fan also (at this point, I only own one GG CD, having sold my other GG stuff to pay for a heroin habit. Hey, maybe I am a GG fan after all!).

You should watch it. Sleepy Hollow is knocking my socks off, it's sooo good. It reminds me of some of my other favorite shows, like Supernatural, Fringe, and of course, X-Files. The episode from this week was the best one since the pilot (and that's saying something!).

There's also Abby's sister, who is also black (or is she one of the recurring characters you mentioned? I assumed you meant Orlando Bloom's character).

Were those dogs wild? I thought they were guard dogs for some madman they ran into or something…

Apparently, a lot of people have Chevy Chase.

Actually, Renard's remark bugged me because Nick is not another "if it's Wesen, it must die!" type of Grimm. He's killed Wesen, sure, but only when they were threatening innocent people (and by "people," I mean Wesen as well as humans). If Nick had killed an innocent, non-violent Wesen during his rampage, I'm sure

Yeah, I actually thought the season 1 finale was the moment where Fringe really got awesome.

Yeah, I actually thought the season 1 finale was the moment where Fringe really got awesome.

That's true, but honestly, I find the other Bravemans far more grating than I find Max.

For some reason, I read that in Tina Belcher's voice.