
I just wanna point out that Archie Panjabi has said many times that she thought Alicia and Kalinda's friendship was one of the best things of the show and that she was sad that it ended. So I don't think we should be talking about "actors" plural. Margulies on the other end didn't want them to be friends again.

You must be joking. You know that husbands can rape their wives, right? And that Ramsey knew exactly that she was terrified of him? That she did not marry him "willingly"? That she doesn't have many options and is trying to survive? That "consent" is not the absence of "no"?
Wow, it must be Monday, people are

I think he was just displeased with the writing for his character, or at least that's what Julianna said in an interview. He had nothing to do in the first half of season four, but then again the second half of season three was a lot about him.

I've been reading War and Peace again, and I've come to the conclusion that there will never be anything better for me to read.

I was really happy there for a moment when D'Angelo Barksdale showed up, but then… meh. Ths is one of the best episodes of the season (maybe only Oppo Research is better), yet I am completely uninterested in Alicia's fate. I didn't want her to be SA in the first place, so the dramatic moments like "You have to step

When did she say that? I remember her saying that the relationship between Alicia and Kalinda was the core of the show.

I didn't get the impression that the show was implying that, though. I thought it was Alicia being paranoid and unable to move on from Peter's betrayal.

Just a small correction: in season 1 they said they used the money from the house to pay for Peter's legal stuff (I don't know if it makes any sense that they spent that much money, but the way they put it was that there was no money left, Alicia was also crying on the table full of bills at some point).

What I mean is, rather, that nobody ever actually used it, even if they knew about it, apart from Wendy Scott-Carr. I find it a bit annoying because Alicia and Peter always win, even when people have the means to hurt them.

In my opinion, Peter doesn't have to justify anything to Alicia. She told him to do whatever he wanted and that they would be married just for show. Yes, she told him not to get caught, but that was naive on her part (and I still don't understand how NOBODY ever leaked her affair with Will). She had no right to tell

Don't make me think about In the Flesh, I'll start crying.

She's always influenced the writing on the show, it's really annoying.

Yeah, right. And we are all idiots.

I think she's gonna win because they said the SA is taking office in six months, just in time for season seven. But I'm out at the end of this season anyway, so I'm not worried anymore.

Wow, that guy didn't remotely look like Josh Charles.

Grantchester is charming.
James Norton is going to be Andrei in the new BBC War & Peace, by the way.

Thank you for this review. I coulnd't believe the show's gall in trying to talk about race issues when they have exactly zero African American regular characters, are about to kick out the only non white regular actress, and have zero intentions of doing anything about it. They don't care, they only wanted to do their

poor Danny!

He'll fit right in.

I always wanted the writers to explore his relationship with his dad, because he was probably a big reason why Will became a lawyer and wanted to be successful. He said once to Diane that his dad ran his business to the ground because he wasn't financially smart and he wasn't going to do the same with L/G. There was a