
It's been 40 episodes.

Stern and his daughter were estranged, and also he died in his office and was found by his secretary in the morning, which I think was particularly striking for someone like Will who had nothing going on in his life but work (I think that was one of the reasons he kept dating awful Tammy, he wanted more from life but

For a second I thought you meant Tom (Branson) and I was totally on board because of how cute they've been together on the Imitation Game press tour.

Stern died! Which prompted Will to say stuff that's really sad with hindsight, like "I don't want to die alone" and "we die and all that's left is our wikipedia entry".

Thank you. Then the conversation Will and Diane had about it is explained by the fact that they wouldn't expect for her to be in a different firm in the future.

But *Diane* was his lawyer, that should count…?

But as someone said above, they made a point in The Penalty Box of stating that Cuesta would not be able to be in a L/G case anymore. I'm annoyed that they didn't even seem to remember what was said in that episode, regardless of how it would work in real life.

Gosh, me too. The fact that Cuesta didn't suck up to her is not a good reason not to be in court, I find it ridiculous that she'd think she would damage Cary by staying. It's not even a good character choice, because it was just a stupid move to make Alicia go worry about the campaign.

I think Cary will go to jail, but then they will arrest Bishop and somehow Cary will be retried and found innocent… or something. There has to be a way for Cary not to be disbarred, in any case.

This week I would've done without Alicia's campaign problem of the week, I wanted to see more Cary: I agree with the review that the episode was very effective in showing how he's completely out of control, but it would've been a much more emotional midseason finale if we had stayed with the trial the whole time.

I really liked that one too, it made me wanna read the book (which was awesome). Oscar Kennedy was so good playing young Pip.
The most recent movie wasn't all that much, although I liked the idea of Holliday Grainger as Estella.

Francesca Annis is wonderful in W&D: "I can't forgive him even though he is dead" about Tom Hollander's character being secretly married.

I'm afraid that its only purpose was to make us think Will could go to jail or betray Alicia when instead he was about to die.
Although I think they said that it might come back, but I'm not holding my breath.

So he really was cheating on her back then? I didn't understand whether he was admitting to it or not. Wow, gross. I was kind of on Peter's side for once, because he seems to really care about Ramona, but this is awful.

He said once (in season 1 I think?) that his father kicked him out right after high school, but it was never clear if college and law school were paid for by his parents (though I presume they were).

Savings! Viola Walsh would like to save like her.

Well, nothing in this episode made me angry, and that's a first for this season, so that's something.
I'm not quite sure what they're trying to accomplish by making Alicia separate from everyone else and oblivious about what's going on with Cary, it just made me sad that she's so focused on the campaign that, at the

Alicia should divorce him because it's not healthy to be his wife while she can't forgive him, but I think she's allowed to ask for all the favours she wants. She stood by him for years after he had humiliated her in public, so he has no right to refuse to take part in an event just because someone who she's NOT

Same here. I just don't care about the politics and the SA office. It just makes me sad because I know the show is still good (although what they did to Kalinda and led to Archie deciding to leave is almost unforgivable), but it's not a path that I'm interesed in, and the fact that I have no idea why Alicia is running

“It’s been a pleasure to write for her", so much so that they stopped entirely after the Nick débacle. I'm happy that Panjabi can now look for better written roles, but I'm sad because I was one of those fools who kept hoping they would fix it, anyway I cried all my tears for Will Gardner so I can't really get too