
I agree that she was concerned, but she was so abrupt in the way that she spoke that Owen's reaction is, to me, justified. Yes, he was laughing at his mom but she had actually done something bad (and something very Veronica-like), while he was being told that he had being lied to.
But it was a great way to show Alicia

I agree, he was angry that she would deliver that news like that and that she was worried about what it would do to her and not about his feelings.

They had me at Abby Lockhart, Peter Bishop, McNulty and Alice Morgan.

I imagine she would respond with a wry smile and something like “not one of those man-hating feminists, anyway.”

The fact that she can't find good parts in film.

I too imagined Annelise and Diane Lockhart being old friends. Actually I'd like Viola Davis to be on The Good Wife instead of this show, although I hope it's super successful for her sake.

Nope. This show has had political campaigns to last a lifetime and they're always boring. Also there's something that rubs me the wrong way about the Florricks ruling everything. And finally I don't think Alicia would be that good at it.

I knew I loved Geneva when she said, about Kalinda showing up in coour: "Whenever I see that bitch, I know we're in trouble". I wanted to have a bigger role in the SA Office after Peter left, instead they found two white guys. I like Finn well enough and I liked Michael Cerveris so far too, but they had a great

Nobody forced Cary and Alicia to seek out his business when they left L/G. They knew what they were getting into. I feel sorry for Cary but this is not on Will.

I don't think Cary was being used as Will has been in the past. Every main character (apart from Diane, so far) has had personal problems with the law. I think they were actually putting Cary in an extremely miserable position to apologize for how horrible he was in the 5x22, specifically the rapey attitude in bed

I am!
Yeah, I'm sure they meant Vita Splendida, I have no idea how they could end up with Vito Splendido, google translate jokes aside. But I've seen several times Italians being played on American movies/tv by people whose first language is Spanish, because close enough, I guess? So this isn't the worst thing ever.

I hate to be that person, but it's "We've always had bad timing", come on.

What bugs me is that Alicia and Kalinda haven't been in the same room for something like 30 episodes, and as soon as Diane decides to join F/A, the show suggests Alicia could leave to be SA.

Cook County residents should vote for Finn, as he has apparently no political ambition he might just be the one SA who finishes his term.

Alicia and Will had chemistry right off the bat, though (and we knew Will had feelings for her since the first episode with Martha Plimpton - 1x06 maybe? - at least). Here, I see none. I don't think they're going for it in terms of writing and acting, and they seem to me too similar to be interesting together. As

I thought they had great chemistry as flirting friends in s2 and s3, but now it's just gone. I blame this on Cary being a smug asshole since he left L/G.

Now I'm really worried that first half of season 6 is going to be the stupid campaign for State's Attorney. Show, please, don't!
It was a weird penultimate episode, anyway, it's like they're just waiting for the very last one to tell us what the hell's gonna happen with Diane and L/G.

Alicia has done so in the past, the first instances that come to me are 1x17 ("This is not a good idea" while in the elevator getting back to the office after kissing Will) and 4x14 (Red Team Blue Team, when she kisses Will, then leaves and says "What are you doing? You don't do that! God!").
But I agree that it wasn't

I'm genuinely curious to see where they'll place him in the end. And I hope it's by this season finale, because I dread the idea of the first half of season 6 wasted on yet another political campaign.

I'm hoping Diane needs someone at some point, someone that's been shown as a decent person who's not gonna screw her over. Although as a huge Will/Diane fan I don't know how it would feel to have Finn at Lockhart/Gardner.
But Cary's time at the SA Office was, in hindsight, his best time, so they could do something