
That's the thing, he's not interested in being State's Attorney, he's not interested in doing an interview, he just wanted to be on his case and be left alone by Eli (and he wasn't ok with using Will's death for political reasons). I wonder if they'll eventually make him interested, or if they'll find a way to take

Creepy Uncle Charlie, oh my God! Mia Wasikowska was awesome in that one too.

I miss him a lot too. I like Sonia (though I disagree with a lot of this review) but Sims just knew the show and the characters better. It also sucks that he left AV Club just as TWoP was shut down and Jacob Clifton stopped writing his reviews.

I think Alicia saying that she doesn't know if she wants to be a lawyer anymore has a lot to do with the fact that her professional choices led to a fallout with Will that wasn't completely healed when he died. So she's thinking she did something for her career that hurt a person that she cared about, and now that

Yeah, I hated this episode. I don't find Colin Sweeney (or his psycho fiancée) murdering women funny.
And I don't want Finn (Finley!) to be State's Attorney of Cook County. No, no, no. He needs to quit the SA Office and go work for Diane!

I agree. One of the reasons I like Finn so much is that he looks like someone who could be a good friend, and doesn't seem to have any other agenda. Alicia has such a bad track record with friends, that I want her to have one good friend (but of course I'd love to see Kalicia back, too).

Yes. So much character development.

Chopping wood made me think of Andrew Davies who, in his adaptation of Sense & Sensibility, put Dan Stevens chopping wood under the rain, to show his frustration at his situation but surely also to make him look good. ;)
Same Davies who's responsible for Colin Firth coming out of the pond in the white shirt…

At this point I feel like the Kings are not interested in Florrick/Agos at all, and they just used it to give us the big rift between Alicia and Will. At least as an ASA Cary tried cases every week and got to be snarky.
It even seems to me that they are trying to making me dislike him, because his relationship with

Emily Thorne, big proponent of doing your research.

Unfortunately they haven't known what to do with Cary for two seasons now. I liked him so much when he was at the State's Attorney's Office, now Alicia can't even bother to tell him she's talked to Diane about a merger. Sigh.

That would make me so, so happy.

"Mezzi" translates to the noun "means", not the verb (e.g. Il fine giustifica i mezzi, The end justifies the means). Significa would be the right word (although I would use "vuol dire" in this specific sentence). I kinda like the idea of Margaux running a nonsensically named magazine in Rome, though.

I hadn't. Or, rather, I had seen the preview for the whole season at the end of Dramatics Your Honor but was too much of a mess to pay attention to what Peter was saying.
Thank you for pointing it out. So I was wrong, yet I still dislike the way he's reacting because, well, Alicia wasn't giving a fuck about their

I think he's mostly upset because he doesn't know whether Alicia is mourning her former lover and friend or the man she loved.

"Vito Splendido"? Is that a magazine about a handsome guy named Vito? Also "When no means yes" translated as "Quando no mezzi sì": this is what happens when you use Google Translate!

Josh Charles was around for the episode and it was him on the table, but apparently he couldn't hold still long enough for them to shoot the close ups, so they took pictures of him instead.

And Jeffery Grant called L/G looking for Alicia in the first place. Will went to the police station to defend him because he didn't want to lose a client to her. Oh God.

Fucking Kings!

I had a similar reaction. I didn't think he was gonna kill Kalinda, but himself, and even when I saw Will dead at the hospital, I couldn't believe it. Then I saw the preview and Alicia distraught like never before and cried my eyes out.