
It would not remotely make it up for me, but I would certainly appreciate the effort. He's a great actor and I loved his character (and his dynamics with Will, sigh).

I think Will knows that, too, he just wanted to deny it in front of her. She was so on point when she told him "You're enjoying your pain too much", and he knows that too.

I didn't mean happy as in "Hey nice to see you" but that he doesn't care what Peter's fate is and is not particularly concerned for himself, but I could've read it wrong.
Thank you for the link, hopefully the show itself will make the ethical issues clearer in subsequent episodes.

I have no idea if you can link but it'd be awesome to read that blog. I too don't think that Will leaked the video, but why did he admit to Marilyn the he knew about the video in the first place? I need to rewatch, but it seemed to me that he was happy to cause trouble for Peter more than worried for himself.

Yeah I went to rewatch that scene too and Will's not lying. I'm sure he's happy that he's got Peter in that position, but Peter litterally said that he wasn't "owning this decision" about what to do with the video.


Watching it from the start makes Season 5 so much better, but I guess you could get away with skipping some. I suggest you at least watch Pilot, Threesome, Heart, and Running (from S1).