
Personally, I'm looking forward to Sleater-Kinney's live album and the new Feelies album in the next couple of months.

I first heard of him in about 1975, and he was already being described as "legendary".

With the Meters and Little Feat backing him up, though they were uncredited on the album.
I believe that album had several Toussaint tunes.

George Manchester - since you are unaware, let me inform you that it is unseemly to "like" your own posts (even once, let alone twice).

Since you are unaware, let me inform you that it is unseemly to "like" your own posts, George Manchester.

When Lou Reed died, CB posted a video of "Perfect Day" on her FB page. Also, on the Black Skinhead cover that Ben has a link for a few posts down, she mentions that Lou Reed liked the song. She may not be Lou's reincarnation, but she's at least a big fan.

Great song. I swim, and I hope I don't start fantasizing about Courtney turning up in the lane next to me.

I'm listening to it right now ("Depreston" at the moment), and I like it more each time I hear it. I don't think the songs are as good as the best songs on "A Sea of Split Peas", but it is still great and it rocks a lot harder. She and her band rock harder in concert than on "A Sea of Split Peas", and I'm quite

I STRONGLY second Pastrami's recommendations. I would add Cate Le Bon, the Dum Dum Girls, and Screaming Females.

I keep telling my daughter at VCU to go see great bands at Strange Matter, and I may try again for Screaming Females. If you see a VCU kid without a beard, that's her.

I agree 100% - Marissa is a force of nature, and if that is not obvious to anyone listening to a recording, then see them live.

Like everything about Sky Ferreira, the video is boring and doesn't live up to it's advance billing.