Zach Cooper

I'm certainly looking forward to it. It looks quite entertaining, though I expect it to be a film of limited appeal to generic demographics.

Where the hell is Ingruber?!

The entire reclaimer trilogy is a step backwards. And not in the right direction, at least not in terms of plot and setting. I'll agree that the gameplay's going in the right direction, but that matters little to anyone who plays the game for the story and the universe, which is all Halo has at the moment to set it

I enjoyed the prequels, the clone wars (event, not series) were amazing and the prequel films spawned the comics based around them. Which I loved. Also the jedi presence was awesome. Kind of makes the original trilogy a little depressing because of how few jedi there are left.

Eh, I'll probably watch it but it doesn't look worth seeing in cinemas. Not really into seeing another Tarantino Western anyway.

It certainly freaked me out at some points. One of the few movies out there that actually evokes emotion. The ending was good but I couldn't help but feel like it wasn't truly a happy one. What about when David wakes up? If he doesn't then what the hell will Teddy do now? How about the omnipotent machines? David's

What the hell?

Sick of CW's crap so I'm probably going to steer clear of Arrow until the end of the season, and hope there's someone out there with my taste in shows who does reviews. Because while this review is well written I think what I want from the show differs to the writer and fans on a whole. I found the League of Shadows

Fair points though I personally didn't mind AvP, it added more to the Predator mythos, which is always good (except in Predators, because that was just kind of boring).

I would love it if the movie industry did something with the X-Man named Prodigy. He's freaking awesome.

In this day and age I would think the old animation style more expensive, most of the people responsible for it are probably retired, and those skills wouldn't be getting passed on as much because of CGI and other such things,

Why is he getting the rights to bastardize my childhood? Ghostbusters and now Peanuts? When will it end?

I'm confused.. Who is 5?

That's true, those comics struck a good balance when it came to melancholy and humor.

Are those two things not inclusive ever since Click?

It sure looks like another Garfield to me. :/ Of course I read all the comics growing up, rather than watching a TV show, so maybe my idea of what Peanuts is is different. Never really liked the show. Eh, I'll see it and hopefully be pleasantly suprised.

Damn I was hoping this would actually be showing the evolution of them.. Not in a weird way, informative stuff is good.

Eh, I normally fast-forward intros and flashbacks.

Don't trust the B*** in apartment 23? I watched all of it. There was only cake sex in the first episode.

That was the first episode. Pretty sure it didn't happen again.