
“Where she and I do disagree, and where she disagrees with Khaki and many other gay Muslims, is in her presentation of Islam as a problem to be solved within the context of the War on Terror and the Iraq war.”

"The notion that while most rape is committed by men, all men are not inherently rapists, seems a lot more productive to me."

I guessed I missed the point. In that case, why are sensationalist arguments a bad thing. All that really indicates to me is that a lot of people feel surprised and challenged by what she's saying. That in itself is a big part of changing things: getting people to listen. My point about Khaki is that he focuses on

"Manji writes primarily for non-Muslim audiences,"

Interesting article. A little too much personal smearing for me to take Khaki seriously. He sounds defensive and goes way over the line.

"I would rather listen to actual gay Muslims share their points of view than non-Muslims"

"I'd be willing to buy into Sam Harris's, "Islam isn't a race; it's a set of ideas," argument if he hadn't also advocated for profiling people who look Muslim."

"The tapes would have been leaked regardless, Evan McMullin stated he paid for a PI before. Milo was already in people's minds because of the riot, because he was going to CPAC, because he's getting a book. Maher gave the slightest of bumps, nothing as significant as anything else that happened."

"Idk what any of that has to do with my comment"

The strategy that won't work is doing everything you can to keep Milo from talking and assuring people who've never listened to him that he's "a horrible person. Just take my word for it and don't listen to him yourself less you be contaminated".

Campus liberals had a copy of Milo's speech?

"All of this would have come out whether or not Milo went on Real Time."

I thought about this too, and while it would've been nice if Maher had found it, I do think Maher played a role. These Milo clips were always out there. Anyone in the media could've found them at anytime. But between his appearance on Maher and his upcoming appearance at CPAC, I think people just had enough. They

The problem is that he's already been somewhat normalized. He's got a book deal, he's been on the news. Everyone who would be excited by his ideas already knows who he is. The people who don't know who he is, or have only heard about him as this 'boogeyman' liberals murmur about in their sleep, are less likely to take

The eagle-eyed observer will note that Larry Wilmore gave Bill a thumbs up after the initial interview. There are a range of ways to deal with Milo, and he absolutely earned that "go f- yourself" because he was the one who started insulting first. But if liberals think getting angry and swearing at and protesting Milo