Fast Eddie

I'm a really big fan of this show and usually have pretty glowing things to say about every episode…not this time however. With the Season 3 rapidly coming to a close I just expected a little more substance and cliff hanger moments. The silly scenes with Jimmy shooting commercials has taken up way too much time the

As usual Jonathan Banks steals the show. I love all the characters, but for me, Mike the Cleaner is the main reason why I keep coming back. Sometimes I wish the spinoff was called "Better Call Mike". Banks is a gem and no one can play this part any better. He brings a darkness to a show that's sometimes is a little

I havent read through all the comments, but wouldn't an obvious question from Chandra to Box be "So, is this the first time you've tampered with evidence in a case you've worked on or have there been others?" Pretty logical I think, no? Anyway, while it's not a perfect show, its pretty darn good. I'm really enjoying

As I stated once before a couple episodes back, John Leguizamo was in over his head on this show. His acting was nowhere near the level of the other actors and I didn't find his character believable or threatening because of his pedestrian performance. It was something you would find on a silly movie of the week cop

I'll disagree with the review in at least one respect…the obvious being Kevin killing Marco and is he capable. As we found out, yes he is. Kevin comes unhinged a few times over the past two seasons and while he is not nearly as intimidating as John or Danny, he is more paranoid than both of them put together…and he

Yeah I agree, just the facial expressions alone of Chandler…and Mendolsohn last season are worth a thousand words. Just for the hell of it I rewatched the last two Episodes of Season 1 the other day and their facial and body language during the scene where John killed Danny were just over the top. After John

After being 8 Episodes into Season 2, I sometimes wonder was John Rayburn more stressed, tense and agitated with Danny alive and taunting him every waking minute or is he more stressed out with Danny gone and trying to keep all that went on with his murder a secret from the police and the rest of his family. It's

So sorry, but I couldn't disagree more and I actually wrote it above before I even saw your comment or the one above you. Leguizamo's performance seems lazy and forced to me….not natural at all. His chops are not on par with most of the rest of the cast. His portrayal of Ozzy seems like a "Movie of the Week" kind of

I also don't get that particular criticism. (By the way, I'm up to Episode 8) In my opinion the show is paced exactly how it should be. To be honest, I really don't like when shows try to wrap up an entire season by fast-pacing the last Episode and try to tie up every loose end in a couple of scenes. In fact, the slow

According to the review, "Bloodline is tedious and burns slowly". I don't necessary agree with that sentiment. A show like "Rectify" fits that description much more. I love both shows, but "Bloodline" by far has a lot more happening and it's much quicker paced. Sometimes the "slow burn" though is necessary to get the

I have to say, I had a really good feeling that Chuck was playing Jimmy the whole time, that he was just trying to get him to confess and that he was recording the whole conversation somehow. It turned out I was right on the money. I usually don't think the show is overly predictable, but this time I caught on. Chuck

I also was left with that impression. He hit his head pretty hard right on the edge of the counter and was knocked out immediately. I guess we'll have to wait a week to find out, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's the last we see of Chuck. We'll see…

Great episode. Usually I say Mike (Jonathan Banks) stole the show….last night though, everybody did. Only downside, just one Episode left…damn.

Yes, Jonathan Banks as Mike is truly a gift as you said. In fact, I mentioned his performance here a couple of episodes back. He steals every scene he's in. JBs acting is impeccable, absolutely award winning. He is easily my favorite character on the show. I am always waiting for his next appearance on screen no

Cool episode as usual. God I despise Howard and Chuck. They are pure evil…and I mean that in an almost respectful way. To be honest, I could NEVER be that nice to a boss who jerked me that many times when handing in my resignation letter as Kim was with Howard. I'd be just as snarky as he was to me and I'd be staring

Ok here's the deal…as much as like this show for all its great acting, great writing, cool camera shots and creative cold opens….as much as like Jimmy and Kim and root for their every move, the main reason I keep coming back is Jonathan Banks. Yep, Mike Ehrmantraut is the character who you care about the most.

…and for some reason I can only think of him as the Hotel Manager in the movie "Best in Show".

I'm sorry, but I'm truly disappointed about this episode…and this season in general. I'm not going to elaborate too much since I dont want to bring anyone down who is actually enjoying the return of this great show. I will say this this…Since when did the X-Files become a full blown comedy? Yes, the humor has always

Great show. Loved Season 1 AND Season 2. British television blows away the crap we have here in the states. Not even close…

A new season?…Looks like it's Sense9 then.