
The hound can read the flames? Hold the door!

9 times out of 10 the culprit is the first person they question. In a police station or not.

DR. Ken will be cancelled because Britta will Britta the whole show.

I would like a show set during the Blackfire Rebellion. The whole Bloodraven, Bittersteel, Shiera triangle would be interesting.

How did Dildo Shwaggins find Gerald in the first place? Who is he really working for?

What is dead may never die" Benjen is the epitome of that phrase.

He has taken power away from Cercei. That gives Cercei a strong motive. However, by taking Cercei out of power, he has provided a stability to King's Landing so anybody who wants a chaotic King's Landing has motive too. Somebody who wants to set up a new ruler maybe.

Walder Frey?

I wonder if Melisandre will be in the battle and I wonder what that will look like?

"no one" was promised to The Waif. "No one" died.

It seems like it's anticlimax after anticlimax this season with the exception being the door.

My prediction for the week (might happen next week though). Brienne "convinces" The Blackfish to give up the castle to Jamie. This is a bluff though. The Frey's and "Lannisters" go back to Walder Frey and a celebration ensues. Everybody seems happy and then the mood changes. The Lannisters reveal that they are in

It's obviously Rhaegar.

All of the gods are Bran who is trying to fix his many mistakes over history. The further back the "whisper", the more experienced version of Bran that is whispering. Bran created the faceless men. He is the many faced god, the red god, the old gods and the new.

At least you are not a three eyed crow.

I don't think they did. After seeing the previous scene where the Walkers were created I think they want Bran to help them change things.

Wrong. All of the Children that were residing in the cave are dead.

I hope Winds has a Walder chapter where Walder starts hearing the words "hold the door" as if they are a whisper but keep getting louder as the chapter unfolds. We all know how it will end but I think it will be a great chapter.

I mean unmade as in can the process be reversed. It would be interesting to meet a former White Walker.

If the White Walkers were made with magic of the Children, does this mean that they can be unmade with magic of the Children too?