Andrew R

The late Ronald Lacey does have an actress daughter, who looks a fair bit like him.

It's got no real plot either. Restaurant scene, escape, meet the villagers, posh dinner with horrible food. Then they go into the temple. Lots of running about, Indy goes bad, then goes good again. Escape. That's pretty much it. I know some people might think you can reduce every film to a list of occurrences, but

Homer Jay Simpson and Sideshow Bob Strike Back

"but they do dwindle down to nothing"
Yes, true.

Yes, I love that Lay of the Land intro too. I bought the CD about 15 years ago. It's 16 tracks – I guess that's the mangled issue you refer to? Wiki tells me it's the same track listing as the cassette version. The original 9-track vinyl version seems to miss a few songs I like! (e.g. C.R.E.E.P., No Bulbs).

Fair enough. For me the album has enough tracks that one can skip God Box, Bug Day etc and still have quite a few solid tracks:
Disney's Dream Debased
Lay of the Land
No Bulbs
Stephen Song
Oh Brother.

It's like Jackson Pollack – experts can tell you what the good stuff is versus the bad stuff but it's hard to put your finger on why they differ.
ETA: Talc and Turnips was one of my favourite things Reeves and Mortimer have done. I just looked at it again on youtube and it still holds up. I think you do it a slight

Or The Strange and Frightening World of The Fall

"Libertarian takes vary widely"
Look, you were responding to someone mentioning South Park's "support for bullshit libertarian wankery". Replying that libertarians have a wide array of views doesn't debunk that guy's point – there are a bunch of attitudes and takes in South Park that align with wankerish bullshit that

If 'libertarians who appear a lot discussing their views in the media' don't count as 'leading libertarians' then I don't know how you're defining the term. If you're saying it's just coincidence that there are so many libertarians in the media who deny man-made climate change and attack trans issues, and maintain

"How familiar are you with libertarianism?"
The anti-trans stuff seems common with a load of high profile media libertarians. You can say that denying climate change science isn't part of philosophical libertarianism, yet so many of the libertarians getting airtime right now deny man-made climate change. So yes, I call

Equating trans people with wanting to change species is pretty anti-trans.

"What do either of those have to do with libertarianism?"
Apparently a whole lot as it's a common bugbear of all leading libertarians. Are you going to argue that Milo, James Delingpole etc aren't proper libertarians, or that it's just coincidence that they're all rabid climate change deniers?

The guy above asked for a SINGLE piece of libertarian wankery, sarcastically suggesting there was none at at all ("take your time, I'll wait"). Now your reply is effectively 'that's not much' after I gave twice as many examples as asked for. Talk about shifting the goalposts!

That's assuming some kind of consistency in their philosophy. You'd think that climate change wouldn't be a libertarian issue – how one REACTS to it might be, but libertarians don't adopt a 'libertarian' stance on reacting to man-made climate change, they just deny that it exists.

Anti-climate change stuff. Anti-trans stuff. There's two.

True. But I'm sure I've heard people claiming that Kramer has some kind of a point!

It plays a major plot role later on.

I figured they just wanted to show that girl's boobs.

The central idea made no sense. In one of the 'traps' in the first film a fat guy had to push through lots of razor wire to escape a maze. He didn't make it. The idea was that it would test how much he wanted to live. But he wanted to live plenty – by the time he'd died he was covered in cuts. He died just because he