Jesus Figueroa

Lacrosse wins. No one in Jai Alai is allowed to tackle each other or use their tools as machetes.

Or a hardened band of natives from northern Canada.

Lacrosse is only a preppy upper-class white sport in the eastern states. In Canada, one might not want to question the class nor amount of white on an Aboriginal team, for it could legitimately get you killed within the rules of the sport.

Depends on where you are from. The prep frat boy attitude gets crushed pretty quickly in Canada when you have teams of aboriginals bearing down on you with their home-made wooden sticks.

Depends on where you are from. In the eastern and north-eastern US states lacrosse mostly consists of rich frat bros. In Canada, there are not too many rich white frat bros on the Native reserves.

Field Lacrosse Goaltending might legitimately be the most insane role/task in any sport. At least Box (Indoor) Lacrosse goalies get to wear equipment from the waste down.