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    I've always thought The Hobbit was a far better written book than LoTR. The Hobbit's prose has a whimsical poetry to it, while the three LoTR books read like history texts.

    That is the only thing I worry about in this show, because it's kind of built around Saul AND Mike. I really believe the story and actors would be served best if they planned ahead to the end, and if that end was the fourth……MAAAYBE fifth season.

    He and Soderbergh both only signed for two years and had a plan before the first season began production that it was going to be a two year storyline. He also said in the interview he prefers film to television and specifically mentioned he had no other television projects lined up and didn't seem really interested in

    Owen also seemed to heavily imply he wasn't interested in doing any more television.

    HBO owns Cinemax, so it's on their dollar whether whether they want do. Also, Soderbergh hasn't committed to a third season and Clive Owen implied in an interview there are no plans yet for another one. All these things seem to suggest a two season show. The same applies to The Leftovers, actually.

    A "Post Op" segment after the episode explained the reaction between the laudanum and ether is what stopped her heart, so it was an accident. I didn't believe it was suicide either—she seemed genuinely interested and excited when Thackery told her about the celluloid.

    What terrifies me is the ratings. This show is so good, I'm worried Cinemax/HBO won't be willing to give it a third season, especially given the more talked about Leftovers (also in an excellent and even better second season) with it's paltry ratings. If resources are an issue, The Leftovers would almost certainly get

    Who else is sad about Neptr? That made me kinda mad actually, like I wanted to hit Football for hurting Neptr. Such a tragic group of characters.

    I was about to comment until I saw JMP hit the nail square on the head.