Scott Meyer

Hopefully Amazon doesn't go all Adolf Quitler on this series

There is only one Jesus who deserves the VR experience:

Based on this series, they've got me for a full day whenever Jessica Jones is released

Also, I think they will be doing monthly live specials for NXT, so 12 each year instead of 4.

Yeah, I'm not sure how the circle's overlap. I was just saying that he's not just a sportswriter with an ESPN sub-site. It's not crazy to think he heard something, though it is weird that he'd be the one to break that news

He also worked with Kimmel when he had the late show, so he has some connections on the comedy side.

Not sure if anyone posted Billy Gunn's theme or lyrics, but they are special:

#AxelMania is still funny to me, and Curtis Axel is doing a great job with it, but Ryback just shaking his head after talking about RybAxel was one of my favorite small things done since Batista waved goodbye

As a Wisconsin alum, I want to praise this documentary for giving more time to Mark Johnson's success at the tournament than the whole movie Miracle.

They could have kept Ioan Gruffud for that, though I'm not sure if it's his face or his name that makes me want to punch him

The Departed

Haven't watched much NXT beyond the 2-hour specials and a few episodes, but it always seems better than the WWE PPV that follows it.

You should have just sent him to The Rock:

Best part about that crew is that there will still be a wildcard, possibly 2 or 3. We had no idea who Herman Cain was at this point in the 2012 cycle. So you can probably add a Santorum or a Ben Carson to a couple of debates as well.

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Don't be surprised if you get slapped by an invisible hand for doubting its power and scope

No, the free market will do it for them

How rude

Dave gives you a thank-you wave