
Yup, that is the issue that might become more prevalent as the series goes on. A whole lot of plot threads will be tied up hastily.

This whole episode encapsulated why I didn't like the show. I kind of forgot why I didn't like it, so I started watching it again. I was like "hey this show is pretty good, I forgot what I was whining about" then the freakin' near deaths. I get it, the show built itself on major character deaths but damn dude I hate

Man, I wonder how much of the footage Howard is going to use. I wonder how much will be the improv haha. I do hope Lucasfilm and Disney don't get all stingy and battle the directors to keep their "Directors Cut" from reaching the masses.

So, Sherlock has no idea about the sister. I don't get that part though. Isn't Sherlock this all knowing deduction machine? Wouldn't he know if he had another family member. Mycroft alluded to having stopped a Holmes before. Wouldn't he recognized that, that person is missing now?
The sister has a connection with

Man this show… I think it has run it's course. I hope this is the last season. End the show right. There really isn't much story to tell. The first season was about the Affair, second season was the ramifications of the affair (which culminated in a murder). This season should just be the after shocks, instead we get

The only likable characters are the supporting cast. Max and Cole are awesome characters. They actually go through character development. Helen and Noah

This freakin' show. There was absolutely no reason for Cole to get back together with Allison. This is totally the writers wanting to drag is character through the mud. He was a good guy. And he really is going to cheat on his wife after what happened to him? That is not good writing. His character went through a

So, they're going to cyborize Archer. Then in the middle of the season the real Archer appears. Cyborg Archer doesn't take too kindly to the reappearance of real Archer. And now there will be an evil Archer running around from then on in the series. Maybe it might team up with Barry, double cross Barry (because come

I think the next season should be the last. The story seems to be coming to a close. I like series that can have closure. The only stuff left to talk about is the aftermath of the case and the reveal of the baby to Cole. I think the death was handled well. This is a culmination of what went wrong. I'm of the kind that

To me, what the book is, is Noah's fantasy. His point of view on many of the things that went on. He romanticizes a lot of what is going on and painting himself as the tragic hero. Self-aggrandizing himself in the process. What we see in this show though is that is not how it works. The world is way more complicated

Come on man, the producer was just feeding Noah's ego. He was only saying what Noah wanted to hear; Casting George Clooney (who, coincidentally, was really interested but wasn't able to make it to the party), Jennifer Lawerance as Allison, wanting Noahs original ending. And once the producer had the rights to the film

I'm a big fan of Max. He is awesome as an asshole. The arrogance in his voice, his presence. That's how a rich person should act lol It was awesome how he just went to a party and it seemed like it was without an invitation either!
And Noah did him dirty. They're supposed to be good buddys but when Noah strikes it