Aaron Meyers

The soundtrack is free on Amazon Prime Music. It's fantastic btw.

So long as he doesn't go "full autism."

The fist fight with the pope happens in AC2

Can someone please service this fan?

I would like it to be an Eddie. Earth 2's so we can have another Barry/Iris roadblock. He could "like" her but not get the "love" her part.

*Deep breath*

Please say she looks like Whitesnake era Tawny Kitaen so I can finish off.

Better a Brownberry than dingle berries.

Gahhhhh!!! Yay! Look! Goosebumps.

Obligatory "not enough lense flare" joke.

"I coulda been a pretender!"

He wouldn't be the first Human Torch whose career didn't flame out after fox ruined a FF movie.

John Oliver has made this show about topics that don't always get the long form media coverage. I think it's a wonderful technique to draw people in by catching them watching passively. You call someone out like this and it's almost shaming not to pay full attention.

With enough speedsters on the show they can just have the rest of the cast move really slow and tttaaallkkk lllliiikkkkeee tttthhhiiissss. Save that effects budget for the return of Grodd.

So, as long time student of copyright and intellectual property law (nope), how is this clickable to stream and watch? I've seen fan edits of The Hobbit with hidden access and torrenting blah blah blah with anonymous creators. Do they just need to say The Hobbit: (insert credible editor here) edition?

I feel that way when done gets "when the light is the trap is clean" whenever a keypad is used and a green light goes on. Of course, it's an entirely different kind of film quote, altogether.

"That's gonna leave a mark!" Spaceballs
"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing model glue." Airplane
"I'd rather be a hammer than a nail" Simon and Garfunkel

Then yes, married.

Not if they're holding each other like that.

I'd settle for him giving all of his films a 20 minute haircut.