
Those words may be your undoing.


Oh, the finale, and last season, were ham-fisted and awful. You got out while the getting was good.

That finale crossed the line from disappointing to insulting my mother. It stood out as bad in a very bad final season.

I watch the final montage from Six Feet Under from time to time, and while I can't imagine going through the entire series again, I could put that montage on a loop for a few hours once a month and be good with it.

Agreed on both counts. I still binge BoB every few months, but "The Pacific" was just fine, once. Same with "Generation Kill".

He'll say he caught Muslim and menopause from them out on the campaign trail.

Yep. Just drain the coffers and gtfo to Switzerland 6 months after swearing in. Then Mike Pence can start burning women at the stake for menstruating.

He's a unique stew, though. I think his "celebrity" and the fact that he just spews whatever vile things pop into his head are part of what is keeping him competitive.

1. See above.

He's got a Shkreli-esque face. They don't look alike, I'm judging on the smackability scale.

Agreed. He strikes me — without knowing him — as a guy who would make jokes about #TrumpTape because he thinks it's inherently funny, and not because it was abhorrent and deserves mockery.

I didn't mind his innocuous banality at 12:30, but I wasn't exactly a regular viewer.

I made an offhand remark somewhere on disqus Saturday that SNL probably had an "all hands on deck" on Friday after #TrumpTape, since I think they usually have it written by Wednesday? I posited that they might even bring in Fey and Meyers to help out and that Fallon could… stay at home.

Bwahahaha! Oh, those xtian conservatives are hip to the jive of today's youth.

I currently live ~3 hours from both Seattle and Portland, have lived in both cities in the past, and regularly make the trek to both to catch live music and the like.

Maybe he could spend some time at Chernobyl and get all "method" about the cancer thing.

That would not in any way suck, I'm sure. I hope they got Kirk Cameron to play the teenage cancer patient.

I watched the first couple of eps of CSI: Cyber pretending that it was a show-inside-a-show on Apt. 23, something they'd refer to about James VDB's latest lame role. Made it immensely more entertaining. By which I mean it made it nearly watchable.

Isn't that supposed to be SELF69.COM? I'd say that'd be worth a few grand a month.