
Nobody was stupid enough to believe he meant that. He was pandering to the idiots who hadn't yet evolved on marriage.

For once I agree with everything an AV Club review has said. Good job Dennis Perkins. I get AV Club on my Nexus news feed based on shows I watch (through no fault of my own) Not a fan of the site but I definitely like your even handed, generous and thoughtful style. If I can find a way to filter my news feed so that

A non-issue if you're not black and don't constantly deal with injustices within the justice system on a day to day basis. They took a side. It was ballsy considering the  "South Park Repubicans" have come to rely on them to be their voice.

Really awesome episode. Being a redditor, I still constantly read things from the conspiratarted about the impending race riots. I think if people don't like this episode it's because the 'South Park Republicans' who have come to see this show as the only comedy on television that gives them a voice just slapped them