The deaths and revives are overused, but I think I read the writers are going to make things more final now. Looking forward to S6!
The deaths and revives are overused, but I think I read the writers are going to make things more final now. Looking forward to S6!
Poor Vicki got swept away in an earlier episode.
I think Julie Plec said something about making things more final from here on out. She's probably aware that it's gotten a bit crazy, so the show will hopefully look different next year.
Hopefully the hate-watching thing will taper off. Back in the fall, the internet "decided" that the show was bad (however fair or unfair that assessment was). Thus, all the hate-watchers came out in force and commented on every episode like they were on a poorly written episode of Best Week Ever. This spring,…
Ehh…at least they didn't go the Angel path for Ward and do a predictable redemption arc.
Oh ok, thanks. Forgot about the brother reference. I was hoping for LMD's because that would mean there's a chance Saffron Burrows would return :(
I got distracted while watching and missed some of the info in the final scene with Patton Oswalt….did they actually say he was a Life Model Decoy or give any explanation?
I didn't mind the drama and action this episode, but I agree on the set decoration stuff.
To be fair, they were TRYING to flesh out the main characters for the first half of the season. Whether they SUCCEEDED in doing that is in the eye of the beholder. Sure, there were some filler episodes, but they were also trying to world-build by introducing a lot of disparate elements that ended up tying into the…
The best punishment is to let people be who they are. If someone is going to come at him with that level of vitriol, I think he is more than justified in kicking back and having a glass of Chianti and observe the theatre of the living. I do it every day on the internet!
And that's why social media sucks hot ortolan bunting.
And living in the social media age. They gotta take the good with the bad if they want to be "connected 24/7" :P
Nah, I prefer to see how it all plays out in the next few episodes.
How do we know the mugshot wasn't done off camera?
Yeah, I can't think of ANY other explanation either…. <liz lemon="" eye="" roll="">
He probably did get a mugshot?
I know, I can't stand the blonde werewolf and the black-haired one who has a very stilted "frat jock"-ish way of saying every line. Francesca is a breath of fresh air compared to them.
Kinda reaching.
All this means is you don't like it as much, dood.
Yeah, I interpreted the parody scenes as "Alicia works so hard she fails at escapism as these days it relies on technology she never mastered." I admit it may have been taking the p-iss out of cable prestige shows a tad in terms of the content, but I watched and loved True Detective and I'm not certain it was going…