
If only he flat out refused the letter for the advantage, it wouldn't have caused too much dissension. It would have just forced Dan to decide which was more important…advantage or family.

At this point….it's a battle for who chose the best 4th player. Come on, Sierra….. hangs head in shame.

Although Rodney's still totally ripped, bro, with his 3Cs: Cool, Calm, and Collectibles, bro.

Mike is having, by far, the best edit this season. Shirin and Jenn are the next in line. Honestly, if history repeats itself, I see Joe taking 4th place by being the first one eliminated in the Final 4 Immunity Challenge (ie: Malcolm, Keith, etc.). In this generation of survivor, challenge beasts have historically

It's a shame Sierra didn't flop…..I'm still holding out hope for the flop-tease to be my ticket to the Champions League next year!

"Just stick with the plan!!!"

I've sincerely been hoping for a 3-3-3 final tribal council vote with a Final 3 + 9 jury. Why I wish we would revert back to a Final 2. The endurance Final 3 immunity challenges were always the best!

Thailand is worth a 3rd rewatch. Focus on Clay's one-liners, Jake's awesomeness, and Robb's skateboard. Totally worth it.

Plot twist: Sierra was one of the poles in that challenge.

I would love to have T-Bird back from Africa.

You could always go with Rodney, Nina, Vince, Lindsey….I have a feeling that combo is still open.

Jenn, Joe, Mike, Sierra! Although I hate the blue collar tribe, all my white collar combos are taken.

Is Joe, Jenn, Mike, and Max still available?

First season for me.