
they've been firing on all (some- gaddamit TYRANT) cylinders. I like them a lot, they've displaced AMC as my second favorite channel.

(i think Bojack is grossly overrated, but that's just me)

Right!! They went from having this BIG diversity conversation, to greenlighting a movie about upper class white folk.
So much for talking about it

She did vote for him, no?
After her diversity argument was thrown out, she went with Jason

She shat all over the subtlety of everyone's names.

Honestly. It's getting annoying. Love the books, but i feel she is keeping us retarded (literally) in our tracks, just not letting this book sleep.
Every week, it seems like it's a new thing that she's made up. But never thought to put it in the books.
I blame the people asking her questions on Twitter. Let. That. shit.

Seriously this. I can count how many shows I've avoided because of shit early reviews, only to have critics backpedal on their write-off, when surprise surprise, no show kicks into gear in the first 2 episodes

Seriously this. As beautiful as the man is, he's got the spy look down pat (that jaw was chiseled for trickery), he came off as awkward to me. They talked a big game about him in the beginning, but I didn't see any of that.

I was just noting this.
What I love especially about this, compared to the Americans, is the attention to detail with the period location/setting. You can see they made a lot of effort to produce an authentic 80's Germany look. The Americans (really great show still), besides the clothing, just looks washed out.

You just broke my mind

Eh. "Dying" is much better- because Emily Ratajkowski.

I almost pissed myself laughing at him shaking that drink all over the room.
He's brilliant

Yeah. That's what he says also in his Fresh Air interview

I've been ordering random shit and sending them back all week.
No Minion box for me. Damn you AMZN

seriously, i half expected his mom to kiss him on the mouth.

She was his cover. She knocks him out, and it looks like she broke into the NATO guy's room thru Martin's room, and she steals the document

Really? He's actually my least favorite character on The League. Just a smarmawful person.
But yeah hie always comes across the same in all his mumblecore character


says a lot about everyone else.
this was the hardest 15 minutes i slogged through on a HBO "comedy"

White athletes go broke too. what's your point?
Rayceeesm aside, i think the big problem is that a lot of them come into money at a very young-still stupid- age.