
God we're still having this argument 4 years later.
Let it go!
Sometimes unevenly matched attractive people get together (see also, every Seth Rogan/Adam Sandler bombshell pairing).
And that's OK too.

Yeah this episode was very atypical of Hannah the character, with mixed up ideas of sexual expectations (re the Car BJ, the Adam rape/not rape scene from Season 1 for example)
The leaps and bounds in self awareness this episode alone. Umm no.
Maybe had should have addressed her as Lena the whole episode?

I thought it was ridiculous, much like anything related to Desi. I hope we never see him again, it's just too over the top with the caricature of that one.

This is the second comment thread I've read this week about wadding vs. folding.
My takeaway is that with folding you have better spatial awareness/control of where the TP is, and there's less likelihood of accidental doodoo-finger.

Didn't say Gawker was libel, i said they published the "news" story recklessly, even after being repeatedly asked to take it down. News in scare quotes cos they believed it was newsworthy. It's the recklessness that's my issue.
AV Club avoiding this guy's name isn't doing this story any favors.

Saying "X person has been accused of rape", basically echoing a story that's making rounds on the internet, isn't libel a la Gawker publishing stories wantonly.
Is why the word "Alleged" is so pervasive today, everyone wants to stop just short of actually accusing people of a crime they haven't been tried and convicted

Especially if you're going with the "sexist" tradition of asking her to marry you. Hey, you're the one who decided when we get married, you might as well let everyone else know it's happening. It's less about permission, than about giving them a heads up.
This argument is so stupid. I can't even.

Yeah I wouldn't hold my breath. Literally nothing that happens on this show, save for Rachel's DV incident, has any follow-through. People could actually drop dead and the show would chug along like they got evicted.

Exactly. It tee'd up this political statement, and then chose to focus on the WRONG characters going forward.
Even that Lifetime Director's promo was just ugh… missing the point. But ok

Esp. because it's a really freakin dangerous story to "tell" at someone else's expense. "Yes, let's set up a scenario that shows how the black star of our show gets shot, and possibly killed. hehe this would be a hit. did we mention about how, ours is the first black suitor?"

i was thinking about this while watching the show.
They've both grown on me. I used to be so repulsed by the two of them, but TJ Miller has a warm place in my heart now.
and now Danny McBride, after This is The End, i think we can get along.

and that laugh. ugh sadly i've missed it.

Young Rebecca is perfect. You can just see the crazy gears beginning to fall into place.

I laughed for like 5 straight minutes at that.

Every subsequent news article/Facebook status/tweet etc I've seen about this show makes me sick. It's not "Omg new favorite show on Netflix", it's really depressing what happened- both to the victim and to Avery for the horrible miscarriage of justice, but people are treating it like entertainment.

Very apt episode. My mom's coming to visit this weekend. I should go clean my bathroom again

Idk about giving anything away for free, but most Bars that go BYOB, do that to get around pricey liquor licenses.

I think licenses are more important if you're selling alcohol. If you're serving them for free and not gaining a profit from them, it's probably fine.
As far as sales go, in some states, alcohol sales would have to make up a certain percentage of your revenue for you to have to post a sign.

Hey, Bill Gates impersonator is a treasure.

Love the royalty free football