
I'll try that next time. Half the time their next "Related Video" attached to episodes, is some dumb 30 sec promo.
This sounds less hellish

Is it really cheaper tho?
I feel when this was still a pipeline dream, we could imagine a world of unbundled channels, much cheaper than the hefty cable bills you're slugged with.
But by the time you add up the cost of all what's considered "Essential TV" (Sling +HBO + Netflix + Showtime Anytime etc) plus cost of

yeah what dead souls said.
If they're offering an exclusive live TV service, it shouldn't coincide with the run period of its most (illegally) downloaded show.
Pirates gonna pirate.

Well as far as live TV goes, it IS their most desirable 90 day window, outside of which an HBO subscription is relatively useless. YMMV.

That baby, is seriously the cutest thing ever.
whether or not she's Jamal's kid, she got comfortable in that house real quick.

PSA: All the songs from the episodes are available, like, the very next day on spotify.
-shamelessly playing Drip Drop on repeat

Them two, and Jamal's boyfriend.
I think he's only ever said 2 sentences.

Agreed. I passed it off as authenticity.
Idk it kinda bothers me when an otherwise uneducated character uses the "contrary to popular opinion, the correct use of the phrase is" version of stuff.
Like once a tweaker character on OITNB said "the proof of the pudding is in the eating". Ugh that bugged me.