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    I don't know about good Groundhog Day films but if you're at all in to computer games, then The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask is amazing.

    "after she returns to her village and begins using his arcane techniques to practice medicine, the local church leaders declare her a witch and burn her alive."

    I think him being lazy at times is true, the albums between Reasonable Doubt to The first Blue Print, were him just phoning it in, but they were still at a standard that would put most rappers to shame.

    Yeah, but pretty much every rapper alive claims to be the greatest, it like the Kebab shops in London, half of them are called "best Kebab" or some variation of that, so as a marketing strategy it fails to work because the claim is over saturated.

    Thanks :)

    I can see how that makes sense, from the footage in the trailer it looks like the action will be a big improvement over the last one anyway.

    Wolf 3d is canon, isn't that the one with the Zombies in it?

    I really liked Prometheus(shoot me) but this new film is god damn awful. I just don't get why this film needed to be made.

    I really hope they find a way to get Hitler in the game this time, I really don't care what story reason they come up with as long as he's there to be shot at.

    Go Kuarl!!

    I don't know about hurricanes but according to Pat Robinson the earthquake in Haiti was gods punishment for some pact they made with the devil to end the slavery of their people, nice to know god has his prioritise in order.

    I remember this film being very scary, in fact the only film that has ever scared me, I'm now scared to watch it again in case it turns out that it in fact was never scary in the first place and it's just childhood nostalgia.

    I don't get it, but it's the internet, so that's ok.

    Street Fighter 2 has a pretty normal plot, a karate guy taking part in a global fighting tournament because he wants to be the best fighter in the world…….before facing off against a drug and arms dealing dictator who also has psychic powers and a kickass cape.

    I just could not get into that game, I only played the first one on the XBox but all I can remember of it was going around an island begging in game anime girls to play volley ball with me, I'm sorry if I buy a game I expect the game to allow me to play it without having to be bribed in to doing it, I did not even get

    Forget the rape scene, why is she even there in the first place? Sansa at this point is just one of the worst written characters in the show, it all went down hill after she left kings landing, they just don't know what to do with her. She just had no motivation to go back to winter fell and even less motivation to

    Tell me you're Joking

    But that's what he said he would do, he does not like the direction the movie has gone in and now does not want to see the film, for some reason people don't like the fact that he does not want to see the film and has know written an article on AV Club

    They will probably find some way of hiding it like they did when they had a black princess.

    No your right but along with the new Star Wars these films are pretty much clones of the originals that I would say go beyond simply following the formula and are pretty shameless in their approach.