Mr Flibble

Mark Kermode summed up my feelings pretty well.

Err… That's my brother. With the same name.

Loved Bray working babyface. His comeback especially was fire.
Also, as much as the whole Taker/Shane finish was dumb considering the follow up, having a GM who didn't constantly berate the audience was so refreshing that I really don't care any more.


"There must be some cool stuff around here - bullets, dead body photos, what have you."

The way the camera lingers on him for a few seconds too long afterwards is what makes it.

Do people not say that anymore? How about "dickety"?

Comedienne: Plus, I got this new boyfriend. You know how it is when you're kissing a guy with a tongue stud.


…and a sleazy Male Stripper.

I love the depiction of the Sleazy motel. The dead guy in the pool, the vibrating beds, the "continental breakfast". It's just perfect.

"I've left Homer!"

"Seymour! I didn't bring you up to use language like that!"

I actually wanna get to the likes of "Saddlesore Galactica" and "Tennis the Menace". Should be fun to read the vitriolic comments about those turds.

Chief Wiggum P.I is so brilliant that I wish they'd have just scrapped the other two sketches and given that one a full episode.

That episode is one of the all time worst… but I laugh at that line every time.

Personally I would consider "How I Spent My Strummer Vacation" the last great use of celebrity guests in the shows run. At least with Jagger and co they didn't descend into unabashed ass kissing like they did later on with the likes of Lady Gaga, plus they actually gave them some decent material, especially Mick and

I always found the Skinner and Edna "dancing scene" kinda sad and poignant… which is weird because I've never had any human contact and instead spend my time reading things I find on the ground.

This is my personal favourite Bob appearance. His interactions with Cletus and the rest of the yokels are just brilliant.

"Ok. I will go… 'eyy.. Wait a minute!"