Kiara Jackson

….yeah….yeah that seems right.

I have decided to not read anymore Rick and Morty comments on AVCLUB anymore. It just seems that I am enjoying a great show that is maturing and actually coming into its own. No one seems to feel that way here. I feel like no one has gone into how Rick is extra depressed because of losing his last best friend. It

Well Logic says fuck that guy Stu the end of his song. I just thought it was a veiled allusion to him abusing him. Or Rick could have asked him to say bad stuff about Vance

Dude we forgot his best friend died. That must really still hurt.

No he didnt. He "threatened" to destroy a universe.

Its not an incest thing remember medieval times had uncles marrying nieces all the time. Also get over it. I really dont why this incest is as bad as two siblings banging.

Aren't…. Aren't you the troll in this one? He asked for proof you attack him for his ignorance and then basically say he has no morals because you can't look into his past. Like that's kinda weird. Also why is bit a big deal if people comment privately? This really makes me hope you're getting mad, he's getting rich.

I read somewhere that Wisdom Hallyne once said that since the Dragons had gone their spells for wildfire are weaker. I feel as if its all connected. Fire to defeat ice. So we have dragons.

Well of course the Starks are there kicking are. But check the wiki out.

Okay does anyone else feel like Cersei screwed us all by using the Dragon fire? Like we only had a finite amount for the white Walkers and she just screwed us work here tantrum. Also i say US because since winter is here we are in this together!

I feel as if your example is not apt enough. Here are a few others:

….no…I get it.

Are we talking about THE Thief Lord? Because that u definitely a millennial book


That. That right there exactly

It's hard to hate her when you realize Wednesday caused her husband to go to jail, and her death. She only cheated because he was away. I like her. I feel as if she deserves some payback.

I just recently saw Gone Girl, like last week. I was so happy at the ending. I never have been one to not root for a bank robber. Having her character do almost everything right except for a few things that should get her caught,then having her succeed.yayyyyyyy!

Yes I also see The Man as someone whom you sell out to. The one who cuts corners for profit ie
They're turning kids into slaves just to make cheaper sneakers
but what's the real cost cuz the sneakers don't seem that much cheaper.

I thought it only stands for Questioning. Thanks for saying it. I was searching for someone to have said it.

Its seems Americans like to watch Gyllenhaal in love.