Arminds' copy of Swank

I'm not saying it's illegal to fire someone for their comments made outside of work in saying that it should be.

If he is fired then he's being punished for his speech, therefore his speech isn't free but restricted

Indeed, Criticism is free speech But this author is trying to shame and bully Majer into holding his tongue. He's trying to control others speech. That isn't free speech it's demanding silence

I'm not offended I'm critical

Yeah, sadly with out overly-scrutinising media there's clicks to be had from taking offence and stirring up controversy and outrage, but I just find it toxic to look for things to be offended about and increase what's offensive to include things that most wouldn't consider offensive and wrong to try to guilt or shame

O'neal shouldn't be telling anyone what they can and can't say. He can dislike or be outraged about it but demanding he not say it is impinging on mahers free speech

I agree. But this outrage culture of getting offended at every joke or statement is out of control. The article even states they were policing his every word looking to find something to get outraged about and he provided a racial stereotype to fit the bill.

He's only accountable if what he said was objectively hate speech. It wasn't. It was a joke using a stereotype.

I don't police jokes, I don't find this joke about the nail salon offensive as the stereotype is accurate and his comment wasn't denigrating or cruel. Offence wasn't intended or given with this it was taken by those who want to take offense to any statement about the habits or proclivities of different races or

it's not about if black people were/are offended. It's all about white celebrities taking offence for you

He doesn't have to justify having Milo as a guest.

"as recent controversies like his booking of right-wing troll Milo Yiannopoulos"

Here's the thing, you think he should hold his tongue, he knows he has freedom of speech and won't be bullied into holding his speech

Reneging on their deal

Leslie Jones? She's an SJW bully

Hope he wins.

If it tanked Marvel would have to wait much more than 3 years given the three times loser the franchise had proven with audiences. 7 years minimum for them to distance themselves from this movie. IF it tanks

And yet Colossus is in Deadpool

Still places their last bad Marvel movie at SIX years ago

Plenty are excited. Lots of fans on Instagram awaiting it