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    Oliver Queen should open a training camp for the all the superheroes in the CW verse.Teach em some moves.

    The episode was a B+ for me.Loved the ending though.The last 10 mins were so poignant really.Oliver really has grown so much in 4 years.On the other hand Barry has taken a nose-dive this season,talk about character regression.

    I was really proud of Oliver today.Dude has grown so much this season,he legitimately deserves being called a hero now unlike some crybaby ** wink barry wink**.I also kinda felt bad for him at the end.Barry Allen had everyone by his side,Joe,Iris,Caitlin,Cisco,Wally but Oliver only had felicity and maybe curtis at the

    One of the best Arrow episodes in quite a while.Really pumped up for the last 4 episodes.Arrow has more momentum right now than The flash going in to the last part of season 4 and season 2

    Overall though it was a pretty entertaining episodes although it raised so many questions both in flashbacks and in the present day . There are 8 episodes remaining to answer all of them,gonna be a roller coaster ride for sure

    The child plotline is mehh
    But it was overall a very very fun episode !!