
Spotify already did this

I bought the vinyl on a sort of whim and it's been my morning soundtrack SO many times getting ready for work.

Well, this was fun

I miss Max Weinberg the most


Is Kaa not considered a Disney Princess?

Probably will be Mulan in the live action reboot

In slow-mo.

Incidentally, if someone could tell me how to post an image that'd be grrrrreat

This guy's got them both covered

They need to do way instain mother

This was so unexpectedly funny. WAY TO GO, INTERNET!

I got out early and am so glad

Wha…what is this?

This is so meta


Downvote away but I love Woody Allen's work. I feel like I don't have to agree with the way a person lives their life in order to enjoy their work, or else about half of the best art and music would be off-limits.

The Pac-Man ad can't decide if it's a song, a narration or a poem.