
I agree about the retreads, but based off the S11 trailer and interviews w/ the cast, we at least know we're getting a ski trip, cruise, court case, and an episode told from inside Frank's head.

the ending to episode 4 is awesome and I'm so pissed I have to wait three weeks to resolve its cliffhanger

I hope the writers eventually incorporate more flash-forwards of Post-Walt Saul and continue that story. Honestly, when he was on Breaking Bad I liked the character, but if he had died in the finale I wouldn't have been particularly upset. But after watching this show, I've come to genuinely care about Jimmy. So I

Loved the scene when Bran wargs into Hodor. I haven't read the books so this is just a "wouldn't-it-be-awesome" type thing, but wouldn't it be awesome if one day Bran wargs into one of Dany's dragons? And Jorah has to step up and slay the dragon to save Dany? That'd be crazy. I hope GRRM has more epic warging to come