St. Bernard of LA

That would explain a lot

"All the benefits of being a white kid": until you get pulled over by the police, apply for a mortgage, or try to open your clueless white friends' eyes to racial realities they're blind to.

Kanye traveled to Paris to study sewing at a storied fashion institute. He sincerely cares about haute couture and has made a serious effort to become proficient in the basics of sartorial design. None of that means that he is good—or that you should admire his output—but he's not "Jessica Simpson-ing" his way into

Harriet Tubman vs. The Department of Treasury

So it's not just me having this argument with their wife/girlfriend/partner EVERY goddamned Sunday. I feel less alone now.

Pro tip: purchase TWO passes in the pre-sale that occurs before the line-up is announced. I paid $375 per pass this year, but in $50 monthly installments. In the week leading up to the festival aftermarket demand for passes is so great that you can sell your second pass for twice face value, and the profit covers the

Enclosed performance venues, covered dining areas, beer gardens, and larger art installations all provide ample shade. In addition, they have installed several "mist stations" in which you can cool off and/or make out.

Anything above a 720 on the FICO 8 model. Returns diminish significantly once your rise above that level: interests rates aren't going down for you and there aren't new credit opportunities that suddenly open up.

A statistical breakdown of Coachella comments on every forum ever: 5% people who've attended and LOVED it, 5% people who've attended but wouldn't return, 90% people who've NEVER been but desperately want the world to know how UTTERLY SHIT the entire enterprise must be.

Nah. They sell reusable water bottles on site for a reasonable fee, and you get unlimited free refills at any of their hydro stations for the run of the festival. Many people opt to pay 2 or 3 bucks a pop for disposable water bottles, but that creates a nice opportunity for the truly broke: if you pick up 10 discarded

You're 90% correct. As is it stands, the LGBTQ community is not a federally protected class. Most states don't recognize LGBTQ people as a protected class either. The Georgia law—and it's more nefarious cousin that just passed the North Carolina legislature—are exploiting this lacuna in civil rights protection. So,

Dan, please call this number: 800.273.8255. It's for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Before you follow through on your plan it's worth talking it over with someone sympathetic and qualified.

Manimal is either an idiot, in which case he should be ignored, or a troll, in which case he should be starved. There is no rationality guiding his line of argumentation.

The "shooting video" has not been re-aired by major media outlets since it's (unfortunate) live broadcast.

Don't feed the trolls, bro. They'll just sell the food for gun money.

Neither of those films are biopics. If Ronda was starring in a whimsical cartoon about the the world's best grapplers losing their mojo or a coming-of-age tale about an aspiring fighter I'd be stoked. But this is a filmed biography starring its real-world subject who is not yet 30! This is vanity project so obscene

Neither of those films are biopics. If Ronda was starring in a whimsical cartoon about the the world's best grapplers losing their mojo or a coming-of-age tale about an aspiring fighter I'd be stoked. But this is a filmed biography starring its real-world subject who is not yet 30! This is vanity project so obscene

Neither of those films are biopics. If Ronda was starring in a whimsical cartoon about the the world's best grapplers losing their mojo or a coming-of-age tale about an aspiring fighter I'd be stoked. But this is a filmed biography starring its real-world subject who is not yet 30! This is vanity project so obscene

"90% of all caviar is carp." FTFY

Wolverine is more or less Captain Canada. Canonically, Logan AKA James is a Canuck.