Will Navidson

- this is not for you -

Literally read 1000s of books and this moment was the only one ever that had me throwing the book against the wall … I did not care one bit for Rob or Catelyn but I do care for form and this passage came close to betraying my trust in the narrative form, the rules of a novel. Enough!


The moment in HoL when our hero finds himself realising that he is at the bottom of a 17,000 mile long ladder within his own home was the most personally touching piece of literature that I have ever read. There was such a feeling of sadness, of immensity, of loss and paradoxically a resignation of despairing comfort

The moment in HoL when our hero finds himself realising that he is at the bottom of a 17,000 mile long ladder within his own home was the most personally touching piece of literature that I have ever read. There was such a feeling of sadness, of immensity, of loss and paradoxically a resignation of despairing comfort

All I know is that in Wigan, Somewhere Over The Rainbow is where we weighed the pies..