
Considering how hyped the Ruby Rose appearance was before the show was released, it felt incredibly anti-climatic when it finally happened. That character was ridiculously under-developed and it looked like a cheap way of getting Piper into yet another stupid love triangle.

OH yay I was insightful!!! Ha ha ha that never happens to me in real life.

Its a book parallel though. She spent a lot of time in the book talking about the whole Martha Stewart thing because there was a possibility she would be sent there.. The real life inmates were equally excited about for some reason. It didn't happen in the book and I was surprised they made it happen in the series.

Healy has a lot of power over her.

I suspected he would. There is a streak of self indulgence in him, even when he covers it with the whole "doing the right thing". At the end of the day it always was about him. Considering the very introduction we get of him in season 1 is him masturbating after an inmate cried in desperation in his office.

I would have preferred a total fade into the background.

No, he's still awful. He's one of those "nice" guys who gets pissed when buying "nice" doesn't automatically get him girls falling on his junk.

Let's you and I talk more about this after the final episode.

I tell you this: I was on the edge of barely tolerating her in Season 1 and I gave her a pass, because well…she was new and she didn't know how to act, etc. In Season 2 I was happy that she seemed to have been mostly relegated to a secondary character with all the Vee/Red/Gloria saga.
But now they bring her back into

Damn, I got my people mixed up. My apologies. I thought Diaz when you said Ruiz

good. I'm not sure how much more of her bullshit I could take.

I kinda get you too.

There is a Ruiz flashback in season 1. Both women ended up in prison because of Cesar.

The book is very different than the series (duh!). But she talks about the real Red a lot in the book and I did hope that relationship would be explored more in the series.
You should read it! Real Piper has a lot more redeeming qualities than TV Piper.

I still can't ever harness enough sympathy for him. He reminds me too much of those "nice guys" who get all pissed when you don't sleep with them after they were "nice" to you (i.e. buying you a drink). he's an asshole and he doesn't even own it.

Me too!!!!

But not really though. He never said, blow me and I'll keep quiet did he? The way I remember the episode was her offering the blow job. And he took it (which makes him an ass) knowing it didn't matter because he had already turned her in.

I'm still not convinced he is gonna do the right thing by the guards though. I have visions of him screwing them over to MCC to keep his job.

I'm not loving this new kinda sissy Alex though. I want her to be mean and a bad ass with a heart of stone.

Well she's pretty self involved.