
If you didn't want to be seen as trolling, you picked the wrong way to go about it. 'Heroes' wasn't better than anything.

The username makes this comment.

Olympus Had Fallen took itself so serious that I thought it had to be some sort of brilliant parody of pretentious film.

It seems like it is much less a 'crutch' for Dowd as it seems like something he goes out of his way to do. I don't care that Dowd doesn't like 'Animal Kingdom'. I care that he soapboxed in this review and used it for shallow criticism of another movie because he seems to like attacking his own readers. "You liked

Because he wants to needle readers over Animal Kingdom. This is what he does consistently.

AA Dowd making a snide remark about another movie in his reviews? Surely, this must be some sort of editing mistake!

Oh, I'm sorry. I missed the huge differences between those arguments and your argument. I can't see them in the midst of all these straw men I've been making.

I don't get this 'argument'. It's like saying "Violence will always exist so why try to stop it?" or "Everybody speeds so we shouldn't give out citations anymore."

There are tons of laws in the English speaking world about stealing the services of others. If you have someone perform a service for you and never intend to pay them or deceive them into doing it, you're likely running afoul of a theft law.

That's ridiculous. Copyright was created to make sure artists were compensated for their work. By pirating, a person eliminates revenue and creates some sort of patronage system where law-abiding citizens are responsible for paying for the art of non law-abiding citizens. As someone paying 4 bucks a comic while

How about we called it pirating and you stop pretending it isn't reprehensible? Compromise!

Oh, I can help with that one! It's wrong.

I don't think this is remotely true. I like Morrison a lot. But he has been deliberating poking Moore for about as long as he has been in comics. He handwaves a lot of it away with "I was only trying to make a name for myself and being deliberately provocative" or whatever, but he's taken shots at Moore throughout

"First up, we'll talk about how these pinhead Hollywood liberals need to keep their mouth shut about politics. Next up, we'll have Stacey Dash, Dean Cain, and that guy who played "Coach" talk welfare reform!

I agree. I don't think Pitt shouldn't have played Mason over the top. I think he should've found a new way to do so rather than just doing Ledger's Joker in every way possible except the makeup.

For me, this was an improvement over the last two episodes in that it was entertaining and kept me engaged all the way through. I still think Pitt's Ledger impression is so glaringly on the nose that it keeps me from being invested in the character. I don't know why he went that direction or why Fuller approved it.

I don't know why Fuller is continuing to suggest he's going to adapt Red Dragon as is. You can't lift parts and parcel of the story and then re-do those parts and have an entertaining show. The flaming wheelchair; illustrated man stabbing; and jailhouse arrangement of murder wouldn't be nearly as cool or interesting

It happened last episode, dude.

Not if they're wrong. Freddie's murder was implied last episode by the fact they were supposedly eating her. Did people not get that?

I don't mind him playing Verger as over-the-top. My problem is the way he's reading and delivering his lines is so obviously inspired by Ledger's Joker that I can't buy into the character as anything other than a cheap imitation at this point. If you're going to crib a famous performance, I wouldn't use probably the