
Milk's drag has improved leaps and bounds since the show—I think she'd be pretty interesting on All Stars 2, actually.

Yay Bianca!

how great would it have been to see that Beetlejuice look on the runway?

I hope Courtney did have other people there for her, because Chaz Bono following her nice "We're really good friends!" story with an awkward "I'd only marry her if she won the money" joke was painful and kinda sad.

I think the drama in season 5 was way more trumped up than 6. Not only was there the awful Coco/Alyssa feud (that nearly completely ruined Untucked) and the unpleasant "Everyone vs. Jinkx" forced edit, but season 5 also pulled shit like saying it would have the first on-show hookup between contestants, which was

The most disappointing part of the episode was the runway looks. Two sequined mini-dresses and two floor-length blue gowns. The Top 4 might as well have been in a twin challenge. I wish Courtney had worn her ridiculous Priscilla headpiece just to shake it up.

They didn't. It would have been interesting to see the Sharon & Alaska reunion, but they saved the appearances from former contestants for the clip/commentary show right before the finale.

I saw Mimi and Pandora perform together after All-Stars and they both said they were pretty cool with each other and the show edited their partnership to look much more tense than it was. I don't think she's a ringer—having met her and seen her perform, she really is very over the top and in-your-face, but she was

I really disagree with this review's interpretation of Ben. "Bitter and jealous"? She was right to point out that Bianca's overconfidence could backfire on her, and it did—the judges were unimpressed with the sameness of her look and she lost to Adore, who can't sew. Portraying Ben as nasty in this episode also

I'd rather the Lion never get a human voice. Part of Lion's charm is that he's not very anthropomorphized for a giant pink cartoon lion. He's a big kitty who flops to the ground and yawns and does his own thing, not taking any direction from his owner—until Steven says the "magic words," so to speak. The Lion speaking

I think it's believable that they don't mention Mark, especially if he's never going to appear again. He's like that one co-worker you got along pretty fine with, but then they switched jobs and they suddenly fell out of your life. (Aside from almost asking Ann to marry him, did he really have strong ties with anyone?

I'd be A-OK with ditching the straight men makeover challenges. Some of the dudes are cool, like Bianca's bride and the goth couple, but I've had enough of the glowering, uncomfortable, defensive straight guys who are miserable the entire episode until the contrived "gays are people too!" epiphany in the Untucked

"BMO Noire" and "Princess Potluck" took place on the same day but the episodes aired in different seasons.

"He can go, right, Ann? …Dammit, I wonder if I'll ever stop doing that."

If we're betting on Miss Congeniality, I'm voting for Milk.

Serena Cha Cha can finally breathe easily as she passes the "Most Hated Queen" crown to Magnolia.

Phi Phi's a really talented dancer, and it helps that she doesn't talk during her act. What really made me dislike Phi Phi on the show was her attacks on Sharon, and they seem to be on good terms now, so live and let live, I guess.

First Challenge winner usually makes it to Top 3, so this bodes well for Ben. Or maybe she'll have to fight to death with the winning queen from next episode.

Making me wait another week for Milk, Courtney, and Bianca is a damn crime.

So, did anyone catch the Drag Race: Battle of the Seasons Tour? I saw their show in DC, which featured Sharon, Alaska, Pandora, Manilla, Carmen, Ivy, Mimi, Phi Phi, and Michelle. It was pretty fantastic—highlights were Sharon and Phi Phi making out during a Lady Gaga vs. Christina Aguilera duel, Alaska singing "Your