
What you call "ambush" I call justice. This weak little pervert was going to get what other weak little perverts get….real prison time.

the case should still be open….Polanski never heard his sentence, because a sentence was never given. Polanski didn't show up at the hearing to hear it. When he thought that he might have to do real time, he used his money and connections to flee to Europe.

OK, he had a 42 day psyche evaluation period in a State Nuthouse prison…..this was a psyche evaluation period, to help determine the final sentence…..no one accused of a crime gets to pick their judge. Polanski put himself into this situation by being a pedophile.

The judge wanted a psyche "evaluation period" of 42 days…this was NOT the sentence…..the probation officers and the DA did not recommend a long prison term…BUT THEY DO NOT HAVE AUTHORITY IN SENTENCING. As soon as Polanski discovered the judge had a real brain and that he was facing real jail time, he split.

The DA had no authority in sentencing….Polanski's lawyers knew this…..and he never saw the inside of a "prison"….why would you defend this man?

^^^ factually right.

^^^ factually wrong.

I see you found your true calling in life….listening to and grading music by professional wrestlers. I'm sincerely happy for you. Really.