Jason Alexander

Muslims are 13 times more likely to commit terrorism in America than non-muslims.

Wait, so Dylan Roof is "alt-right", but the police murders aren't BLM? You can't have it both ways you fucking hypocrites.

What are you talking about? They portrayed gamergate as violent which is utterly absurd. They demonized them in a wildly unfair way and that's still not good enough for you? Get fucked.

It's funny when a news website is criticized who get their news and viewpoints from tv comedians.

Yep definitely nothing to do with murdering police officers, hateful rhetoric, shit like taking over a memorial for slain lgbt and making it all about themselves, blocking off highways etc.

hahah boycotting cereals is dumb. Now let's boycott a fast food chain!

They're supporters of BLM.

Actually, per capita, muslims are 13 times more likely to be terrorists than non-muslims.

What struggles, exactly? She has poor will power and wants to shame society for their innate preferences?

The monologue was moronic. Fat women aren't entitled to affection from anyone. Why is it wrong for men not to be attracted to fat women, but perfectly okay for women to not be attracted to ugly men?

I think Yidu's murder was very well done. Ragnar was so obviously filled with both rage and fear that he totally lost control of his actions.

why the hell would they do that, but nothing about her being enslaved?

cry more you idiot

He did kind of betray the camped out vikings though.

ragnar never sought fame

it is ignorant and stupid though

its boring shallow trash

"you look around that room and you see the whitest fucking room in the history of time."